67-21.0025Miscellaneous Criteria
67-21.026HC Credit Underwriting Procedures
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 42 No. 125, June 28, 2016 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
67-21.0025 Miscellaneous Criteria.
(1) In addition to the alteration, improvement or modification of an existing structure, Rehabilitation or Preservation with respect to the Housing Credit Program also includes what is stated in Section 42(e) of the IRC, except that with the exception of Section 42(e)(3)(A)(ii)(II), which, for the purposes of Non-Competitive HC, the following is substituted for Section 42(e)(3)(A)(ii)(II) is changed to read: “II. The requirement of this subclause is met if the qualified basis attributable to such amount, when divided by the number of low-income units in the building, is $15,000 or more.”
(2) through (6) No change.
67-21.026 HC Credit Underwriting Procedures.
Credit Underwriting is a de novo review of all information supplied, received or discovered during or after any application scoring process, prior to the closing on funding, including the issuance of IRS Forms 8609 for Housing Credits. The success of an Applicant in being selected for funding is not an indication that the Applicant will receive a positive recommendation from the Credit Underwriter or that the Development team’s experience, past performance or financial capacity is satisfactory. The Credit Underwriting review shall include a comprehensive analysis of the Applicant, the real estate, the economics of the Development, the ability of the Applicant and the Development team to proceed, the evidence of need for affordable housing in order to determine that the Development meets the program requirements and determine a recommended Housing Credit Allocation amount, if any; and for any Development that has rehabilitation with or without acquisition, a capital needs assessment prepared in accordance with generally accepted industry investment grade standards shall be ordered by the Credit Underwriter, and its findings shall be used to determine rehabilitation that will be carried out and to set replacement reserves. Corporation funding will be based on appraisals of comparable developments, cost benefit analysis, and other documents evidencing justification of costs. As part of the Credit Underwriting review, the Credit Underwriter will consider the applicable provisions of this rule chapter.
(1) through (10) No change.
(11) In addition to operating expenses, the Credit Underwriter must include an estimate for replacement reserves and operating expense reserves deemed appropriate by the Credit Underwriter when calculating the final net operating income available to service the debt. A minimum amount of $300 per unit per annum must be used for all Developments.
(a) No change.
(b) The amount established as a replacement reserve shall be adjusted based on a CNA prepared by an independent third party, ordered by a first mortgage lender, third party credit enhancer or a Housing Credit Syndicator, and which has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted industry investment grade standards, received by the Corporation or its servicers, and acceptable to the Corporation and its servicers at the time the CNA is required, beginning no later than the 10th year after the first residential building in the development receives a certificate of occupancy, a temporary certificate of occupancy, or is placed in service, whichever is earlier (‘Initial Replacement Reserve Date’). A subsequent CNA, meeting the parameters of this section, is required no later than the 15th year after the Initial Replacement Reserve Date and subsequently every five (5) years thereafter. If the Applicant does not provide a copy of a CNA to the Corporation or its servicers, prepared by an independent third party and acceptable to the Corporation and its servicers within the stated time frames, then one shall be ordered by the Corporation or its servicers at the Applicant’s expense. The only events allowed to drop the balance below the minimum are items related to life safety, structural and systems as approved by the Corporation and its servicers. In the event the first mortgage lender or a Housing Credit Syndicator requires replacement reserves with replacement reserve deposit requirements that include the same or higher deposits, the Corporation’s rights to hold replacement reserves and to disburse such funds shall be subject to the first mortgage lender or the Housing Credit Syndicator, as applicable. The replacement reserve funds are not to be used by the Applicant for normal maintenance and repairs, but shall be used for structural building repairs, major building systems replacements and other items included on the Eligible Reserve for Replacement Items list, effective October 15, 2010, which is incorporated by reference and available on the Corporation’s Website under the Multifamily Programs link labeled Non-Competitive Funding Programs or from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-02851. An Applicant may choose to fund a portion of the replacement reserves at closing. Unless approved by the Corporation and the Credit Underwriter, the amount cannot exceed 50 percent of the required replacement reserves for two (2) years and must be placed in escrow at closing.
(12) through (19) No change.