Regional Planning Councils, Apalachee Regional Planning Council  





    1.1 Purpose of this Request for Qualifications

    The Apalachee Regional Planning Council (ARPC), through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), is seeking a qualified environmental consulting firm with engineering capabilities to provide assistance with various ARPC programs and activities.

    1.2 Background Information

    The ARPC anticipates a need for environmental, engineering, and construction project management consulting services for its projects and programs over the next five years. The ARPC seeks to identify individuals and firms providing these services.

    ARPC projects associated with this solicitation may include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) resource conservation and enhancement (e.g., restoration and enhancement of wetlands and endangered species’ habitats); (2) watershed restoration to improve water quality; (3) marine and coastal resource education; (4) climate change adaptation and mitigation; (5) public access (e.g., trails, bridges, parking, recreational and interpretive facilities); (6) revitalization of urban waterfronts and shoreline facilities; and (7) other activities that promote the environmental well-being, sustainability, and productivity of the ARPC region.

    1.3 Type of Contract and Contract Term

    The ARPC intends to award a one-year contract, with the option to renew up to four additional 12-month terms, to a full-service firm to support the needs of the ARPC.


    2.1 Activities Required Under this Request for Qualifications

    This RFQ is to solicit a qualified environmental consultant who is expected to provide a wide range of environmental services to the ARPC. In connection with projects in the areas listed above, we are soliciting consultants with experience and expertise in: climate change issues; habitat restoration design; water quality assessment; pre-project feasibility analyses; hazardous or toxic substance investigations; wetland, watershed, or subtidal assessments; archaeological studies; environmental documentation and assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act and other environmental laws and regulation; botanical studies; biological investigations; natural resource permitting; site and land use planning; environmental monitoring; graphic design; advanced Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses; and other program-related services, including assistance with procurement of grants to implement ARPC projects. Stakeholder engagement is anticipated to be an important component of many of the above activities.

    2.2 Minimum Requirements

    Responses will be evaluated per the requirements specified in Section 3.3 Qualifications. Qualified respondents will also meet the following requirements of this Request for Qualifications.

    Proposed Project Manager has a minimum of ten (10) years’ experience working with the State of Florida environmental regulations.

    Firm must have demonstrated experience in implementing work related to coastal resiliency in the State of Florida, with preferred experience in northwest Florida.

    Firm should have the following:

    A strong understanding of coastal, nearshore and/or estuarine habitat-based processes related to coastal resiliency;

    Demonstrated GIS skills, with an emphasis on coastal and watershed planning;

    Proven experience in successful grant-writing for projects that address coastal restoration and resilience issues; and

    Experience in development and implementation of local government environmental programs and policies, including brownfields redevelopment, non-point source pollution management, and other environmental issues important to local governments in northwest Florida.

    2.3 Project Budget

    The total budget currently available under the proposed contract is currently unknown. However, additional funding may become available through future grant awards and other sources. For each task assignment, the ARPC and the successful consultant will develop a project specific scope of services to fulfill the project requirements. No minimum amount of work is guaranteed.


    3.1 General Expectations

    Consultants are asked to submit concise qualifications describing their experience within the scope of this solicitation.

    3.2 General Process

    The ARPC will review and evaluate qualifications with the following criteria in mind: expertise related to ARPC’s environmental programs; firm and staff experience; and collaborative approach. The ARPC reserves the right to accept or reject responses on any basis it deems appropriate.

    SECTION A Qualifications and Capabilities: 0 – 35 points

    This section shall include the firm's name, areas of expertise, a brief history of the firm, size, number of office locations, and business address of the office responsible for this contract. The name, address, and telephone number of a contact person responsible for their submittal shall be included. In addition, the following information shall be provided: 

    Project experience in developing and implementing grant-funded environmental projects or other applicable projects, particularly in the State of Florida;

    Summary of experience of developing recommendations, policies, and plans to be utilized by local government officials;

    Staff experience in designing, permitting, and monitoring innovative coastal habitat restoration projects;

    Staff experience in developing collaborative partnerships to advance coastal restoration, climate resiliency, watershed restoration, and/or environmental education;

    Summary of project experience managing and implementing hazardous waste site assessment and remediation programs/projects, including innovative field screening techniques; and

    Summary of experience interacting with the Florida State Historic Preservation Office on archeological issues.

    SECTION B Technical Approach: 0-40 points

    Description of the firm’s approach to partnering with the ARPC in developing projects, obtaining funding, and completing projects, including collaboration with, and integration of, ARPC staff in implementing project tasks.

    SECTION C Local Experience and Knowledge: 0-15 points

    Demonstrated knowledge of coastal and watershed planning through involvement in projects in the Florida Panhandle.

    SECTION D Project Staff:  0-10 points

    Brief biographical summaries of related experience for key staff members working on the project.

    Organizational chart.

    Resumes for key project personnel assigned to this project. Provide no more than ten (10) resumes.

    3.4 Terms and Conditions

    The process of selecting organizations to provide consultation services for the ARPC's benefit requires the accumulation of comprehensive and accurate information to ensure that a knowledgeable, objective decision can be made as well as compliance with Federal procurement standards outlined in CFR §200.317 - §200.326 for the implementation portion of this proposal and subsequent successful grant applications.

    The ARPC reserves the right to accept or reject all firms without stated cause. The ARPC reserves the right to re-issue any RFQ or cancel the RFQ if none of the proposals are deemed satisfactory to the ARPC.

    Clarification of proposals: The ARPC reserves the right to obtain clarification of any point in a Proposer’s submittal or obtain additional information. Any request for clarification or other correspondence related to the RFQ shall be emailed to and a response shall be provided within 2 business days.

    The ARPC reserves the right to waive any formalities, defects, or irregularities, in any proposal, response, and/or submittal where the acceptance, rejection, or waiving of such is in the best interests of the ARPC. The ARPC reserves the right to disqualify any proposal, before or after opening, upon evidence of collusion, intent to defraud, or any other illegal practice on the part of the Proposer.

    3.5 Public Information

    Information supplied by the Proposer to the ARPC is subject to the Florida Public Records Law. Florida law provides that municipal records shall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person, Section 119.01, F.S., The Public Records Law. Information and materials received by the ARPC in connection with all Proposers’ response shall be deemed to be public records subject to public inspection upon award, recommendation for award, or 30 days after bid opening, whichever occurs first. Section 119.071, F.S.

    3.6 Proposal Time Schedule

    The timeline for completion of this request for proposals is outlined below.

    July 29, 2019, Formal announcement date for RFQ.

    August 16, 2019, 5:00 p.m. ET: Deadline for submittal of proposals.

    August 30, 2019, Notification of award within two weeks of submittal deadline.

    September 6, 2019, Award of contract by APRC.

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