Other Agencies and Organizations, Enterprise Florida, Inc.  

  • Enterprise Florida, Inc.

    Military and Defense Programs

    Request for Proposal (RFP)

    For FY 14/15, Enterprise Florida offers a Defense Infrastructure Grant Program (DIG) to communities that host military installations. The intent of the DIG is to fund projects benefiting the local community and the military bases, operations and missions located within it. DIG provides support for local infrastructure projects including those associated with the following issues: encroachment, transportation and access, utilities, communications, housing, environment, and security that have a positive impact on an installation’s military value and the surrounding community.  Infrastructure grants may also be used to conduct studies, develop presentations, analyses, plans, and modeling in direct support of infrastructure projects. Applications will be accepted only from eligible economic development applicants serving in an official capacity as assigned by a county, chamber of commerce, municipality, special district, or state agency with the proper authority to complete the project. 

    The full request for proposal is available Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at: http://www.enterpriseflorida.com/careers/.

    Proposal submission date is no later than July 25, 2014.

    A pre-bid conference call will be taking place Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 3:00 p.m. EST

    Call-in: (800)501-8979 Access code: 2986640

    For more information, contact Heather Cave, Manager of Military and Defense Programs for Enterprise Florida at (850)298-6640 or via email at hcave@eflorida.com.


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