Florida’s Office of Early Learning
6M-9.300Child Care Resource and Referral
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 41 No. 109, June 5, 2015 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
The changes are in response to comments received by the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee and those received at the public hearing on this rule.
The proposed rule is changed as follows:
(4) Accessibility of Information and Services.
(a)(f) Each CCR&R organization shall provide the Office of Early Learning with an annual report identifying how agency shall establish and implement a plan for ensuring that CCR&R services are made accessible to all individuals within its service area, including individuals who have limited access to telephone services, internet services, or transportation. The CCR&R organization agency may utilize technology and shall may coordinate with other CCR&R agencies and community entities in order to expand the accessibility of services.
(b) Each CCR&R organization shall maintain a website and one other form of outreach and awareness within its service area that describes the services offered. The front page of the website of the early learning coalition and the contracted CCR&R organization, if applicable, shall clearly display administrative and CCR&R contact information, including phone numbers and hours of operation.
(5) Location and Hours of Service.
(a)(g) At least one physical location for CCR&R services shall be available in each CCR&R organization’s agency’s service area.
(b) Each CCR&R organization agency shall have staff members available to provide CCR&R services via telephone and in person for designate a minimum of forty (40) hours each week. when individuals requesting services may meet with staff in person on an appointment or walk-in basis to receive CCR&R services within the coalition’s service area. In addition, each CCR&R agency shall make staff members available to provide CCR&R services for a minimum of forty (40) hours per week via telephone.
(6) Customized Child Care/Early Learning Listings.
(a)(2) CCR&R services, including listings, may be offered in person, via telephone or using other electronic means via telephone, e-mail, on-line, fax or in person.
Subsection 7(a) is deleted.
(9) Staff Training Requirements.
The CCR&R organization shall ensure all CCR&R staff are trained in customer service, consumer education, community resources, financial assistance programs for families, and available types of child care and early learning providers and programs, specific to their service area, within four (4) months of employment as a CCR&R specialist.