Department of State, Departmental  



    Rule Review of Rules 9B-68.001, 9B-68.002, 9B-68.003, and 9B-68.004 per s. 120.555, F.S.

    Pursuant to section 120.555(1), Florida Statutes, the Florida Department of State (Department) requested a statement from the Executive Office of the Governor of whether the Rules 9B-68.001, 9B-68.002, 9B-68.003, and 9B68.004, Florida Administrative Code, are still in effect. On August 5, 2015, the Department received notice from the Governor that these sections no longer have any force or effect. Based on the Governor’s response, the rules will be repealed summarily pursuant to section 120.555, Florida Statutes, and removed from the Florida Administrative Code. Any objection to the summary repeal must be filed as a petition challenging a proposed rule under Section 120.56, Florida Statutes, naming the Department as the respondent, no later than 21 days from the publication of this notice.

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