That on August 8, 2023, the Department of Health issued an order DENYING the petition filed on May 10, 2023, by Ashby Bridges for a permanent variance from the requirements of Rules 64E-5.501(64) and 64E-5.805(1), F.A.C., ....
Division of Environmental Health
64E-5.805Shielding and Safety Design Requirements
The DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support, Bureau of Radiation Control, hereby gives notice:
That on August 8, 2023, the Department of Health issued an order DENYING the petition filed on May 10, 2023, by Ashby Bridges for a permanent variance from the requirements of subsections 64E-5.501(64) and 64E-5.805(1), F.A.C., which require a facility that intends to install and operate a particle accelerator in Florida to consult a radiological physicist as to the design of the particle accelerator and its installation, and the specifications of barrier materials and thicknesses.
Date Petition published in the Florida Administrative Register: May 12, 2023
General Basis for Agency decision: Failure to demonstrate that: Petitioner will suffer a substantial hardship from strict application of the rule to Petitioner; the literal application of the rule to Petitioner violates principles of fairness; the purpose of the underlying statutes has been or will be met by other means; and failure to demonstrate that Petitioner has standing to request the variance.
A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Lori Jobe,
Document Information
- Related Rules: (2)
- 64E-5.501. Definitions
- 64E-5.805. Shielding and Safety Design Requirements