Department of Military Affairs, Departmental  

  • Renovations to Chipley & Lakeland National Guard Armories


    The State of Florida, Department of Military Affairs (DMA), Construction and Facility Management Office (CFMO) requests bids from State of Florida registered and licensed General Contractors for the following projects located at two locations in the State of Florida.

    FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, & SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS YOU MUST GO TO THE MYFLORIDA.COM VENDOR BID SYSTEM (VBS) ON OR AFTER 12 August 2011, AT: All documents for submitting will be available on the dates listed with the below projects.


    206040 – Renovations to Lakeland Army National Guard Armory – VBS – 8/12/2011

    207009 – Renovations to Chipley Army National Guard Armory – VBS – 8/12/2011

    FUNDING: The State of Florida’s performance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon availability of funding and an annual appropriation by the Legislature.

    MANDATORY SITE VISIT: As stated on the Vendor Bid System (See Above)

    BID OPENINGS: As stated on the Vendor Bid System (See Above)

    STATEMENT OF WORK: 206040 & 207009 – Renovations of training and administration building(s); private vehicle parking; military vehicle parking; unheated equipment storage; force protection/security systems; site grading and storm water control systems. These facilities will require utilization of construction materials and equipment offering the greatest degree of maintenance-free longevity and operational energy efficiency.

    POINT OF CONTACT: Department of Military Affairs, Construction & Facility Management Office, Contracting Branch, (904)823-0256, (904)827-8544 or e-mail:

    Faxed or e-mailed submittals are not acceptable and will not be considered. All instructions must be complied with and requested data must be included in order for your firm to be considered for this project. All information received will be maintained with the Department and will not be returned.

    Request for private meetings by individual firms will not be granted. No individual verbal communication shall take place between any applicants and the Owners or Owner’s representatives.

    Request for any additional information, clarifications, or technical questions must be requested in writing.

Document Information