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    Florida A&M University Facilities Planning, Construction and Safety

    FAMU Amphitheater Canopy Wings Structure

    CALL FOR BIDS FAMU Board of Trustees


    Made by Florida A&M University (FAMU), a unit of the Florida Board of Education (Division of Colleges and Universities).

    PROJECT NAME: FAMU Amphitheater Canopy Wings Structure

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  Construction of Canopy Wings.

    PROJECT NUMBER: ITB 0007-2020

    LOCATION: Florida A & M University 1675 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32307. This advertisement is for the FAMU Amphitheater Canopy Wings Structure to be located in Tallahassee, Florida.

    QUALIFICATION: All bidders must be qualified at the time of bid opening in accordance with the instructions to Bidders, Article B-2. Bids shall be sent electronically to Purchasing@famu.edu and copied to Craig.Talton@famu.edu and will be received by:

    DATE AND TIME: August 24, 2020, 2:00 p.m.; Bid Tabulations will be posted for 72 hours. PLACE:  Office of Procurement Services Room 214, 2380 Wahnish Way, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, immediately after which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

    PROPOSAL: Bids must be submitted in full and in accordance with the requirements of the Project Manual.

    MINORITY PROGRAM: Bidders are encouraged to utilize Minority Business Enterprise certified by the Office of Supplier Diversity, Department of Management Services

    PRE-SOLICITATION/PRE-BID MEETING: A meeting shall be held via Zoom Video Conferencing on August 11, 2020, 10:00 a.m. Minority Business Enterprise firms are invited to become familiar with the project and to become acquainted with contractors interested in bidding the project. This is a non mandatory meeting.

    DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY AND PURCHASE: Full sets of bidding and contract documents including the Project Manual, Technical Specifications and Drawings may be downloaded from the FAMU’s Office and Operational Effectiveness and Procurement Services website:  http://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?Purchasing&NoticeofPosting

    PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES: In accordance with FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY’s regulation 6.005(6): The University shall not accept a competitive solicitation from or contractual services from a person or affiliate who has been convicted of a public entity crime and has been placed on the State of Florida’s convicted vendor list for a period of 36 months from the date of being added to the convicted vendor list.

    Direct all project related questions in writing to the Owner’s Representative, Connor Ross at Gilchrist Ross Crowe Architects; CRoss@architects-gca.com or David Rosenfeld, Project Manager, FAMU Facilities Planning and Construction at David.Rosenfeld@famu.edu.

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