Department of Children and Families, Departmental  



    DCF-15246100 Parapet Wall Replacement


    Proposals are requested from QUALIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTORS by the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, for the construction of:

    PROJECT NO: DCF - 15246100

    TITLE: Parapet Wall Replacement at Breezeway Connection, Building #1051 and #1053, Central Forensic

    SITE: Florida State Hospital, Holly Drive, Chattahoochee, Florida 32324

    The work consist of removing 5' high x 50' long deteriorating brick veneer (east wall, approximately 250 square feet) and partial brick removal and clean-up on west wall, removal of continuous 5"x5"x50' steel lintel east and west side. New construction at each area being approximately 5' high x 50' long will have 4” wide x 20 ga. “C” galvanized steel studs bolted to an existing continuous concrete beam, attach steel wall panels to produce a 5’x50’-0” fascia parapet. There will be approximately 100' of bent metal coping, drip edge trim and caulking.

    PREQUALIFICATION: Each prime Bidder shall be state-certified in accordance with Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, as a General or Building Contractor. Bids from firms not able to furnish proof of the required certification are subject to disqualification.

    PROPOSAL: Bids must be submitted in full in accordance with the requirements of the Drawings and the General and Technical Specifications, which may be examined and obtained from the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER:

    A/E: Department of Children and Families, Office of General Services, Design, and Construction. 1317 Winewood Blvd., Building #3, Room 205-G, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700, (850)717-4011, email:

    BID DOCUMENTS: Full sets of Drawings and Specifications may be purchased from the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, by payment of printing and handling costs at the rate of $20.00 per bid set.

    PRE-BID MEETING: A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. local time. The meeting will be held at Maintenance & Facilities Conference Room, Building #1123, Lonesome Pine Road on Florida State Hospital Campus, Chattahoochee, Florida.

    BONDING REQUIREMENTS: See Section B-11 for bid guarantee requirements. See Section C-5 for performance and payment bond requirements.

    BID OPENING: Sealed bids will be received, publicly opened and read aloud on:

    DATE: September 2, 2014, Tuesday

    TIME: 2:00 p.m. local time

    LOCATION: 1317 Winewood Blvd., Building #3, Room 205G, Tallahassee, Florida. Bid opening and reading bids aloud will occur in Building #3, Room 202, Conference Room.

    CONTRACT AWARD: The Bid Tabulation and Notice of Award Recommendation will be posted within two business days, at the location where the bids were opened. If no protest is filed per Section B-21, Notice and Protest Procedures”, the OWNER will award a contract to the qualified, responsive low Bidder in accordance with established departmental contracting procedures (CFOP 70-7). In the event that the Bid Tabulation and Notice of Award Recommendation cannot be posted in this manner, then all Bidders will be duly notified.

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