The purpose of the amendment is to update and modernize the rules, eliminate unnecessary or outdated requirements, and ensure the rules enable modern professional practice.
Board of Professional Engineers
61G15-33.001General Responsibility
61G15-33.003Design of Power Systems
61G15-33.004Design of Lighting Systems
61G15-33.005Design of Communications Systems
61G15-33.006Design of Alarm and Signaling Systems
61G15-33.007Design of Lightning Protection Systems
61G15-33.008Design of Grounding Systems
61G15-33.010Certification of Electrical Systems of Public Interest
PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the amendment is to update and modernize the rules, eliminate unnecessary or outdated requirements, and ensure the rules enable modern professional practice.
SUMMARY: To update and modernize the responsibility rules relating to design of electrical systems.
The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A SERC has not been prepared by the Agency.
The Agency has determined that the proposed rule is not expected to require legislative ratification based on the statement of estimated regulatory costs or if no SERC is required, the information expressly relied upon and described herein: During discussion of the economic impact of this rule at its Board meeting, the Board, based upon the expertise and experience of its members, determined that a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC) was not necessary and that the rule will not require ratification by the Legislature. No person or interested party submitted additional information regarding the economic impact at that time.
Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.
RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: 471.008, 471.033(2) FS.
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Zana Raybon, Executive Director, Board of Professional Engineers, 2639 North Monroe Street, Suite B-112, Tallahassee, FL 32303; (850)521-0500.
61G15-33.001 General Responsibility.
Electrical Engineering Ddocuments shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards applicable technology and with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. The Electrical Engineering Ddocuments shall identify the Engineer of Rrecord for the electrical systems project. Electrical Engineering Ddocuments shall comply demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the applicable codes and standards as defined herein. The Engineer of Record is responsible for determining the applicability of appropriate codes and standards to a given project. In the event the codes and standards fail to cover or address a specific requirement or situation, alternative research, test results, engineering data, and engineering calculations shall be utilized. New technology may be utilized when said technology has been demonstrated to provide equivalent or improved performance. Electrical Engineering Documents for cConstruction documents shall indicate the nature and character of the electrical work and shall describe, label and define the required electrical systems components, processes, equipment and material and its structural utility support systems. Both the Engineer of Record for the electrical system and the delegated engineer, if utilized, shall comply with the requirements of the general responsibility rules, Chapter 61G15-30, F.A.C., and with the requirements of the more specific rules contained herein. The Engineer of Record for the Electrical System(s) shall provide design requirements in writing to the delegated engineer if one is used and shall review the design documents of the delegated engineer for conformance to his written instructions in accordance with Rule 61G15-30.005, F.A.C. Any Electrical Delegated Engineering Documents prepared by a delegated engineer and so reviewed must be included in the final set of documents filed for permit unless required by the permitting entity to be submitted independently.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.001, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.002 Definitions.
(1) Engineer of Record for the Electrical Systems. The Florida Pprofessional Engineer who develops the electrical system design criteria or performs the analysis and is responsible for the preparation of the Electrical Ddocuments for the project.
(2) through (4) No change.
(5) Electrical Engineering Documents. All electrical drawings, specifications, reports, calculations, data and other documents utilized to establish the overall design and requirements for the construction, alteration, modernization, repair, demolition, arrangement, and/or use of the electrical system, or analysis or recommendations, as prepared by the Engineer of Record for the Electrical System. Electrical Engineering Documents shall additionally meet the requirements of Rule 61G15-30.003, F.A.C., Engineering Documents.
(6) Electrical Submittals. Submittals, Ccatalog information on standard products or drawings prepared solely to serve as a guide for fabrication and installation and requiring no engineering input. Such These submittals are not Engineering Documents or Delegated Engineering Documents and do not require the seal of a Florida Pprofessional Eengineer.
(7) Codes and Standards. Those nationally recognized Codes and Standards adopted directly or by reference in the Florida Building Code, (including Florida Energy Efficiency Code, Chapter 13) adopted in its entirety by reference in Rule 61G15-18.011(6), F.A.C., and the Florida Fire Prevention Code, adopted in its entirety by reference in Rule 61G15-18.011(7), in Chapter 69A-60, F.A.C.
(8) No change.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.002, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.003 Design of Power Systems.
(1) Power systems convey or distribute electrical energy. Items to be considered included in the design and analysis of power these systems are, as applicable to the particular project: steady state and transient loads characteristics, short circuit availability, arc flash potential, analysis and protection (design and analysis), load flow, voltage drop, effects of harmonics, power factor, and protective device coordination.
(2) Electrical Engineering Documents for applicable to power systems must include the following information, if applicable to the particular project shall at a minimum indicate the following:
(a) Power dDistribution rRiser dDiagram with short circuit values.
(b) Conductor Ampacities (sizes) (AWG or kcmil) and insulation type, or cable assemblies characteristics.
(c) Circuit interrupting devices, ratings and fault current interrupting capability.
(d) Location and characteristics of any surge protective devices, if included in the engineering design.
(e) Main and distribution equipment, control devices, locations and ratings sizes.
(f) Voltage drop calculations for the feeders and customer-owned service conductors are required. Additionally, the documents shall state the reasons why the two percent limit for feeders and customer-owned service conductors are not being met, if applicable.
(f)(g) No change.
(g)(h) Feeder and service capacity calculations. Load computations.
(h)(i) No change.
(i)(j) Grounding and bonding requirements.
(j)(k) Instrumentation and control when necessary for safe operation or to show intended function where required.
(k)(l) Engineering Record Ddocuments applicable to power systems filed for public record shall, also at a minimum, contain information as required by the Florida Building Code, incorporated by reference in Rule 61G15-18.001(6), F.A.C.
(l)(m) Engineers performing arc flash hazard analysis must determine arc flash approach distance, assess and convey the incident energy levels, and identify appropriate PPE class. Any such verification shall constitute an Engineering Certification as that term is defined in Rule 61G15-18.011(4), F.A.C., and must comply with the Responsibility Rules, including Rule 61G15-29.001, F.A.C. Installation and testing requirements of required emergency and standby power systems.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.003, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.004 Design of Lighting Systems.
(1) Lighting systems convert electrical energy into light. Items to be considered included in the lighting design and analysis of lighting systems are, as applicable to the particular project: aAverage and minimum illuminance, eEquivalent spherical illuminance, uUniformity rations, vVisual comfort probability, special purpose lighting, impacts of light intrusion, light trespass, security and safety, and the requirements of the Florida Energy Efficiency Code, Chapter 13, Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 61G15-18.011, F.A.C.
(2) Electrical Engineering Ddocuments for lighting systems must include the following information, if applicable to the particular project shall, at a minimum, indicate the following:
(a) No change.
(b) Emergency lLighting, egress and exit lighting, and illuminated exit markings and their ancillary equipment such as inverters and batteries.
(c) Equipment legend Exit Lighting.
(d) No change.
(e) Calculated values to demonstrate compliance with the Florida Energy Code for Building Construction.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.004, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.005 Design of Communications Systems.
(1) Communications systems are utilized to convey voice and data. Items to be considered included in the design and documents or analysis of communication these systems are, as applicable to the particular project: Human factors engineering, cabling requirements, installation requirements, performance requirements, backup power requirements, the interrelationship of the various systems and applicable standards and regulatory requirements.
(2) Electrical Engineering Ddocuments for communications systems must include the following information, if applicable to the particular project shall, at a minimum, indicate the following:
(a) through (f) No change.
(g) Characteristics and locations of surge protective devices, if included in the engineering design.
Rulmaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.005, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.006 Design of Alarm, Control, and Signaling Systems.
(1) Alarm, control, and signaling systems include motor control systems, emergency alarm circuits, activation of life safety system controls and remote signaling of emergency conditions (See Rule 61G15-32.008, F.A.C., for Fire Alarm Systems), surveillance and access control systems, temperature control, and systems related to energy conservation and facility management systems. Items to be considered in the design or analysis of alarm, control, and signaling systems include: cabling requirements; installation requirements; performance requirements; and interoperability. The design documents shall be based on standards set forth in NFPA 72, the Florida Building Code, the Florida Fire Prevention Code, or as required by the local authority having jurisdiction. The Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code are incorporated by reference in Rule 61G15-18.011, F.A.C.
(2) The Electrical Engineering Documents for alarm, control, and signaling systems construction documents must include the following information, if applicable to the particular project shall at a minimum indicate the following:
(a) through (f) No change.
(g) Location and characteristics of surge protective devices, if included in the engineering design.
(h) through (i) No change.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.006, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.007 Design of Lightning Protection Systems.
(1) Lightning Protection Systems are passive systems used to protect building and structures from damage caused by lightning and static discharges. Items to be considered in the design or analysis of these this systems include risks to persons or property, environmental factors, geological factors, building or structure characteristics, and materials performance the requirements of NFPA-780.
(2) Electrical Engineering Ddocuments for lightning protection systems must include the following information, if applicable to the particular project shall indicate:
(a) through (d) No change.
(e) Grounding Terminals points and spacing.
(f) No change.
(g) Equipment Legend.
(h) Testing requirements of grounds.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.007, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.008 Design of Grounding Systems.
(1) Grounding Systems are passive systems used to establish an electrical potential reference point in an electrical system, a common return path for fault current, or a direct connection to earth for the proper dissipation of energy in case of abnormal or transient conditions.
(2) Electrical Engineering Documents for grounding systems must include the following information, if applicable to the particular project shall indicate at a minimum the following:
(a) through (d) No change.
(e) Connections of separate grounding systems, bonded, and use requirements.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 5-19-93, Formerly 21H-33.008, Amended 11-13-08, .
61G15-33.010 Certification of Electrical Systems of Public Interest.
(1) The Engineer of Record shall, when be required by applicable codes or ordinances, as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, to demonstrate verification of compliance.
(2) Verifications of compliance from Electrical Engineering Documents warranted by codes and ordinances must include the following information, if applicable to the particular project shall include when applicable:
(a) No change.
(b) Lighting levels performance criteria included in the design that show illuminated levels, intrusion, trespass, dark sky, safety or that show/preserve natural habitat tendencies.
(c) Lighting, sound pressure, or other /noise /product or installation specifications that indicate conformance with community, county, or state standards, codes or ordinances.
(3) Any such verification shall constitute an Engineering Certification as that term is defined in Rule 61G15-18.011(4), F.A.C., and must comply with all Responsibility Rules, including Rule 61G15-29.001, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Specific Authority 471.008, 471.033(2) FS. Law Implemented 471.033 FS. History–New 11-13-08, .
Document Information
- Comments Open:
- 8/21/2017
- Summary:
- To update and modernize the responsibility rules relating to design of electrical systems.
- Purpose:
- The purpose of the amendment is to update and modernize the rules, eliminate unnecessary or outdated requirements, and ensure the rules enable modern professional practice.
- Rulemaking Authority:
- 471.008, 471.033(2) FS.
- Law:
- 471.033 FS.
- Contact:
- Zana Raybon, Executive Director, Board of Professional Engineers, 2639 North Monroe Street, Suite B-112, Tallahassee, FL 32303; 850-521-0500.
- Related Rules: (9)
- 61G15-33.001. General Responsibility
- 61G15-33.002. Definitions
- 61G15-33.003. Design of Power Systems
- 61G15-33.004. Design of Lighting Systems
- 61G15-33.005. Design of Communications Systems
- More ...