Notice of Receipt of Petition
Petition to Merge the Mediterra North Community Development District and
the Mediterra South Community Development District
On May 12, 2017, the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (“FLWAC” or “Commission”) received a petition to merge the Mediterra North Community Development District (“Mediterra North CDD’) and the Mediterra South Community Development District “Mediterra South CDD”). The Commission will follow the requirements of Chapter 42-1, F.A.C., and Chapter 190, F.S., as amended, in considering the petition.
SUMMARY OF CONTENTS OF PETITION: The petition requests merger of the Mediterra North CDD and the Mediterra South CDD. Mediterra North CDD currently consists of approximately 521 acres of land located entirely within the City of Bonita Springs, Florida. Mediterra South CDD consists of approximately 1,154 acres of land located entirely within Collier County. Mediterra South CDD is generally located on the northern boundary of Collier County contiguous to Mediterra North CDD. After merger, the surviving district will encompass a total of approximately 1,674.87 acres. According to the petition, the merger is in the best interests of each CDD because, among other reasons, the merger would:
- Eliminate redundant overhead costs and other expenses;
- Promote greater efficiency in existing joint projects;
- Reduce residential assessments; and
- Better achieve the original public infrastructure delivery and maintenance plan for the two districts.
SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS: A statement of estimated regulatory costs (SERC) was prepared at the request of the District. The complete text of the SERC is contained as Exhibit 8 to the petition. Generally, the SERC indicates the rule:
- Is not expected to have, or at the most, very limited direct or indirect impact on economic growth, private sector job creation or employment, or private sector investment in excess of $1 million in the aggregate within 5 years after the implementation of the rule;
- Is not likely to have, or at the most, a very limited adverse impact on business competitiveness;
- Is not likely to increase regulatory costs, and will only result in a one-time increase in transactional costs, in excess of $1 million in the aggregate within 5 years after implementation of the rule. The entire cost is estimated to be at approximately $50,000 and will be borne by landowners within Mediterra North CDD and Mediterra South CDD;
- Will involve the State, City of Bonita Springs, Collier County, and the two districts, as well as property owners within the two districts, which at present time may total approximately 3,000;
- Will not directly or indirectly result in any additional costs to the agency or any other state and local government entities and will have no anticipated effect on state or local revenues;
- Will not directly or indirectly result in increased transactional costs to any individual or entity aside from the one-time petition and rule adoption costs; and,
- Will have no adverse impact on small businesses, counties or cities.
DATE AND TIME: September 5, 2017, 1:00 p.m.
PLACE: The Club at Mediterra
15755 Corso Mediterra Circle
Naples, Florida
Any person requiring a special accommodation to participate in the hearing because of a disability should contact Jonathan T. Johnson or Alyssa C. Willson, Hopping Green & Sams, P.A., 119 S. Monroe Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, telephone (850)222-7500, at least two business days in advance in order to provide sufficient opportunity to make appropriate arrangements.
Copies of the petition may be obtained by contacting: Jonathan T. Johnson or Alyssa C. Willson, Hopping Green & Sams, P.A., 119 S. Monroe Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, telephone (850)222-7500, or Barbara Leighty, Office of the Governor, The Capitol, Room 1802, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001, telephone (850)717-9513.