Other Agencies and Organizations, Florida Developmental Disabilities Council  

  • Addendum #1 to RFP 2011-CC-9200

    ADDENDUM # 1 TO:

    RFP #2011-CC-9200 Public Relations/Media Consultant

    RFP Number: 2011-CC-9200 did not provide sufficient specificity regarding the manner of presentation of information in the proposal. The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc., is therefore amending the following sections of RFP Number: 2011-CC-9200:

    ·         Section I. 4 Required Proposal Content, B. Description of the Objectives/ Services to be Provided: Delete 1. through 7. Insert: A thorough description of the manner in which the offeror would perform each of the public relations and media services described in 1.3 Statement of Work. A narrative should be provided that describes the manner in which the offeror would perform the public relations and media services and would address the need and accomplish the purpose of the public relations and media services. The narrative should demonstrate a proven track record of providing successful public relations and media services. The narrative should reflect the values that are consistent with the values and mission of the Council.

    ·         Section I. 4 Required Proposal Content, E. Budget and Budget Narrative: Delete and Insert the following: In this section, the offeror will include the proposed fee for service for performing the public relations and media services described in Section 1.3 Statement of Work. The proposed fee-for-services needs to be an hourly or daily rate which incorporates all related costs. Costs relative to actual production of materials will be paid by the Council separately from this contract and will be paid either through the awardee or directly to the responsible vendor.

    The offeror must provide a proposed line item budget that reflects the costs included in the proposed fee-for-service. This budget needs to be accompanied by a detailed budget narrative, using the format provided. The budget narrative must explain and demonstrate that each entry on the line item budget sheet is allowable, reasonable and necessary. The budget and budget narrative must present a cost-effective funding level for achieving the purpose of the project. The form for submitting the budget may be found in Section 2 # 15 & 16. Allowable and non-allowable costs can be found in Section 6: Terms & conditions, items 8-10.

    ·         Section 4 RFP Schedule of Events and Deadlines: The dates have been changed for the following events:

    Sealed RFP proposals due and Opened

    Prior to 2:00 p.m. EST

    October 4, 2011

    U.S. Mail, Express Mail, & Hand Delivery

    Submit to:

    Lisa Taylor, Chief Financial Officer

    Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.

    124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203

    Tallahassee, Florida 32301-2981

    Mandatory Criteria Evaluation and proposal scoring begins

    October 17 - October 28, 2011

    Selection Committee Meets

    Anticipated Posting of top ranked offeror RFP proposals

    (Posting is for 72 hours)

    October 31, 2011

    Posted by written notice at:

    1. Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.

    124 Marriott Drive, Suite 203

    Tallahassee, Florida 32301-2981

    2. FDDC website (fddc.org)

    Start contractual negotiations

    November 4, 2011


    Anticipated contract start date

    December 1, 2011


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