Department of Management Services, Departmental  



    Florida E911 Board State Grant Program

    The E911 Board has approved an E911 State Grant program available to any Board of County Commissioners in the State of Florida for the purpose of assisting counties in Florida, as defined by Section 365.172(6)(a)3.b., Florida Statutes, with the installation of Enhanced 911 (E911), Phase II and Next Generation 911 systems.

    The E911 State Grant program will operate on the following schedule:

    1.Counties submit applications: by December 1, 2014

    2.E911 Board evaluates applications: Within two months of the submission date;

    3.E911 Board votes on applications at regularly scheduled meetings: Within three months of the submission date;

    4.E911 Board sends notification letter of awards approved for funding to the counties: Within four months of the submission date;

    5.Implementation period: One year from receipt of award notification letter;

    6.Expiration of the right to incur costs: Two years from receipt of award notification letter.

    Additional information is in the E911 State County Grant Application, effective 9/1/2014, W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Rule 60FF1-5.003, Florida Administrative Code, E911 State Grant Programs.

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