BID NO. BDC 03-07/08
The Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, Bureau of Design and Construction is soliciting formal competitive bids for the project listed below:
SCOPE OF WORK: The Work consists of the construction of new buildings, which will create a new National Estuarine Research Reserve Headquarters. The new headquarters for the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) including a visitors center, offices for education, administration, stewardship and research laboratories and support space. The building consists of a screened ground floor (covered level) including 6,300sf, with 10,350sf of enclosed, conditioned space above. A 2,400sf covered exterior breezeway connects the four enclosed spaces above. The structure is 38 feet tall with the first floor 11'-8'' above the ground level. The first floor can be accessed by two exterior stairs, an elevator and a sloped walk. A separate two-story building, which is an alternate bid of similar arrangement, includes 1,000sf of exterior storage on the ground level with 1,300sf of conditioned office space above. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, site construction and site improvements, landscape, concrete piles, girders and floor slab, concrete foundations, termite treatment, CMU walls, structural steel, wood frame walls and roofs, wood trusses, millwork, fiber cement siding, building insulation, metal flashings, metal roof panels, membrane roofing, sealants, steel and wood doors and frames, glass, curtain wall, plastic glazing, gypsum board, ceramic tile, resilient tile floors and base, carpet, painting, toilet accessories, projection screens, roller shades, fire protection, operable partitions, mechanical and electrical systems, life support systems for exhibits and coordination with separate contracts; and collateral amenities including gravel pedestrian paths and a total of 93 parking spaces, comprised of 3 handicap, 33 employee and 3 bus spaces. The project is designed to comply with a Certification Level according to the U.S. Green Building Councils Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Rating System, as specified in Division 1 Section LEED Requirements. The project is not required, by the Florida Building Code, to meet the wind-borne debris provisions for building cladding, roof, etc., however, the Owner has requested, and the building has been designed to meet these requirements.
PROJECT MANAGER: A. Henri Burton, Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas, MS 235,
MINORITY BUSINESS REQUIREMENT: The Department of Environmental Protection supports diversity in its Procurement Program and requests that all sub-contracting opportunities afforded by this bid embrace diversity enthusiastically. The award of sub-contracts should reflect the full diversity of the citizens of the State of
PREQUALIFICATION: When the total bid price including alternates exceeds $200,000.00, each bidder whose field is governed by Chapters 399, 489, and 633 of the Florida Statutes for licensure or certification must submit prequalification data of their eligibility prior to the bid closing date.
INSTRUCTIONS: Any firm desiring plans and bid specifications for this project may obtain a copy by writing the address or calling the telephone number below. Plans and specifications will be available on Friday, August 3, 2007, at: Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Building, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., 4th Floor, Room 432, or Mail Station 235, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, Attention: A. Henri Burton, (850)245-2105, Fax Number (850)245-2110.
BID SUBMITTAL DUE DATE: No later than 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 18, 2007, to the below address: Michael Renard, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, Bureau of Design and Construction, 3540 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32309. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Michael Renard, Contracts Manager, Bureau of Design and Construction.