The purpose of the rule amendment is to implement Section 366.92, F.S., to promote electric utility investment in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants by establishing cost recovery mechanisms for IGCC plants paralleling those ...  

    25-6.0423: Nuclear Power Plant Cost Recovery
    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the rule amendment is to implement Section 366.92, F.S., to promote electric utility investment in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants by establishing cost recovery mechanisms for IGCC plants paralleling those for nuclear plants. Undocketed.
    SUBJECT AREA TO BE ADDRESSED: Recovery of cost associated with the siting, design, licensing, and construction of an IGCC power plant.
    SPECIFIC AUTHORITY: 350.127(2), 366.05(1) FS.
    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE DEVELOPMENT AND A COPY OF THE PRELIMINARY DRAFT, IF AVAILABLE, IS: Kathy Lewis, Division of Economic Regulation, 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850, (850)413-6594. E-mail address is


    25-6.0423 Nuclear or Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant Cost Recovery.

    (1) Purpose. The purpose of this rule is to establish alternative cost recovery mechanisms for the recovery of costs incurred in the siting, design, licensing, and construction of nuclear or integrated gasification combined cycle power plants in order to promote electric utility investment in nuclear or integrated gasification combined cycle power plants and allow for the recovery in rates of all such prudently incurred costs.

    (2) Definitions. As used in this rule, the following definitions shall apply:

    (a) “Nuclear power plant” or “plant” is an electrical power plant that utilizes nuclear materials as fuel, as defined in Sections 403.503(13) and 366.93(1)(c), F.S.

    (b) “Integrated gasification combined cycle power plant” is an electrical power plant that uses synthesis gas produced by integrated gasification technology, as defined in Sections 403.503(13) and 366.93(1)(c), F.S.

    (c) “Power plant” or “plant” means a nuclear power plant or an integrated gasification combined cycle power plant.

    (d)(b) “Cost” includes, but is not limited to, all capital investments including rate of return, any applicable taxes and all expenses, including operation and maintenance expenses, related to or resulting from the siting, licensing, design, construction, or operation of the nuclear or integrated gasification combined cycle power plant as defined in Section 366.93(1)(a), F.S.

    (e)(c) “Site selection.” A site will be deemed to be selected upon the filing of a petition for a determination of need for a nuclear or integrated gasification combined cycle power plant pursuant to Section 403.519, F.S.

    (f)(d) “Site selection costs” are costs that are expended prior to the selection of a site.

    (g)(e) “Pre-construction costs” are costs that are expended after a site has been selected in preparation for the construction of a nuclear or integrated gasification combined cycle power plant, incurred up to and including the date the utility completes site clearing work.

    (h)(f) Site selection costs and pre-construction costs include, but are not limited to: any and all costs associated with preparing, reviewing and defending a Combined Operating License (COL) application for a nuclear power plant; costs associated with site and technology selection; costs of engineering, designing, and permitting the nuclear or integrated gasification combined cycle power plant; costs of clearing, grading, and excavation; and costs of on-site construction facilities (i.e., construction offices, warehouses, etc.).

    (i)(g) “Construction costs” are costs that are expended to construct the nuclear or integrated gasification combined cycle power plant including, but not limited to, the costs of constructing nuclear power plant buildings and all associated permanent structures, equipment and systems.

    (3) No change.

    (4) Site Selection Costs. After the Commission has issued a final order granting a determination of need for a nuclear power plant pursuant to Section 403.519, F.S., a utility may file a petition for a separate proceeding, to recover prudently incurred site selection costs. This separate proceeding will be limited to only those issues necessary for the determination of prudence and alternative method for recovery of site selection costs of a nuclear power plant.

    (5) Pre-Construction Costs and Carrying Costs on Construction Cost Balance. After the Commission has issued a final order granting a determination of need for a nuclear power plant pursuant to Section 403.519, F.S., a utility may petition the Commission for recovery of pre-construction costs and carrying costs of construction cost balance as follows:

    (a) through 2. No change.

    (b) Carrying Costs on Construction Cost Balance. A utility is entitled to recover, through the utility’s Capacity Cost Recovery Clause, the carrying costs on the utility’s annual projected construction cost balance associated with the nuclear power plant. The actual carrying costs recovered through the Capacity Cost Recovery Clause shall reduce the allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) that would otherwise have been recorded as a cost of construction eligible for future recovery as plant in service.

    1. For nuclear power plant need petitions submitted on or before December 31, 2010, the associated carrying costs shall be computed based on the pretax AFUDC rate in effect on June 12, 2007 19, 2006;

    2. For nuclear power plant need petitions submitted after December 31, 2010, the utility’s pretax AFUDC rate in effect at the time the petition for determination of need is filed is presumed to be appropriate unless the Commission determines otherwise in its need determination order;

    3. No change.

    (c) Capacity Cost Recovery Clause for Nuclear or Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant Costs.

    1. through 2. No change.

    3. The Commission shall include those costs it determines, pursuant to this subsection, to be reasonable or prudent in setting the Capacity Cost Recovery Clause factor in the annual Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery proceedings. Such prior year actual costs associated with nuclear power plant construction subject to the annual proceeding shall not be subject to disallowance or further prudence review.

    4. The final true-up for the previous year, actual/estimated true-up for the current year, and subsequent year’s projected nuclear power plant costs as approved by the Commission pursuant to subparagraph (5)(c)2. will be included for cost recovery purposes as a component of the following year’s capacity cost recovery factor in the Fuel and Purchased Power Cost Recovery. The utility must file all necessary revisions to the fuel and purchased power cost recovery filings no later than October 15 of the current year.

    5. By May 1 of each year, along with the filings required by this paragraph, a utility shall submit for Commission review and approval a detailed analysis of the long-term feasibility of completing the power nuclear plant.

    (6) Failure to Enter Commercial Service. Following the Commission’s issuance of a final order granting a determination of need for the nuclear power plant, in the event the utility elects not to complete or is precluded from completing construction of the nuclear power plant, the utility shall be allowed to recover all prudent site selection costs, pre-construction costs, and construction costs.

    (a) through (b) No change.

    (7) Commercial Service. As operating units or systems associated with the nuclear power plant and the nuclear power plant itself are placed in commercial service:

    (a) No change.

    (b) The utility shall calculate the increase in base rates resulting from the jurisdictional annual base revenue requirements for the nuclear power plant in conjunction with the Capacity Cost Recovery Clause projection filing for the year the nuclear power plant is projected to achieve commercial operation. The increase in base rates will be based on the annualized base revenue requirements for the nuclear power plant for the first 12 months of operations consistent with the cost projections filed in conjunction with the Capacity Cost Recovery Clause projection filing.

    (c) At such time as the nuclear power plant is included in base rates, recovery through the Capacity Cost Recovery Clause will cease, except for the difference between actual and projected construction costs as provided in subparagraph (5)(c)4. above.

    (d) No change.

    (e) The jurisdictional net book value of any existing generating plant that is retired as a result of operation of the nuclear power plant shall be recovered through an increase in base rate charges over a period not to exceed 5 years. At the end of the recovery period, base rates shall be reduced by an amount equal to the increase associated with the recovery of the retired generating plant.

    (8) through (e) No change.

    (f) Annual Reports Required by Rule 25-6.135, F.A.C. On an annual basis following issuance of the final order granting a determination of need and until commercial operation of the nuclear power plant, a utility shall include the budgeted and actual costs as compared to the estimated in-service costs of the nuclear power plant as provided in the petition for need determination in its annual report filed pursuant to Rule 25-6.135, F.A.C. The estimates provided in the petition for need determination are non-binding estimates. Some costs may be higher than estimated and other costs may be lower. A utility shall provide such revised estimated in-service costs as may be necessary in its annual report.

    Specific Authority 350.127(2), 366.05(1) FS. Law Implemented 366.93 FS. History–New 4-8-07, Amended_______.

Document Information

Recovery of cost associated with the siting, design, licensing, and construction of an IGCC power plant.
The purpose of the rule amendment is to implement Section 366.92, F.S., to promote electric utility investment in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants by establishing cost recovery mechanisms for IGCC plants paralleling those for nuclear plants. Undocketed.
Rulemaking Authority:
350.127(2), 366.05(1) FS.
366.93 FS.
Kathy Lewis, Division of Economic Regulation, 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850, (850)413-6594. E-mail address is
Related Rules: (1)
25-6.0423. Nuclear Power Plant Cost Recovery