Inmate Visiting - Definitions, Suspension of Visiting Privileges, Reinstatement of Suspended Visiting Privileges
33-601.713: Inmate Visiting - Definitions
33-601.731: Suspension of Visiting Privileges
33-601.732: Reinstatement of Suspended Visiting PrivilegesNOTICE OF CORRECTION
Notice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 38, No. 31, August 3, 2012 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.
In proposed Rule 33-601.713(3), the reference to “Rule 33-601.737, F.A.C.” should be corrected to state “Rule 33-601.715, F.A.C.”. Also, the last sentence of proposed Rules 33-601.713(3) and 33-601.732(1) are deleted as follows: The effective date of the form is_________.