Florida’s Office of Early Learning
6M-4.610Statewide Provider Contract for the School Readiness Program
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 40, No. 159, August 15, 2014 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
The changes are as follows:
Subsection (2) of the rule remove “the effective date of this rule” and insert November 1, 2014 which will be the actual effective date when the rule becomes effective.
With respect to incorporated documents:
Form OEL-SR 20:
Paragraph 51, the first sentence will be removed.
Paragraph 51, the fifth sentence is changed to read: “If PROVIDER fails to return the funds it was overpaid, PROVIDER shall be subject to collection efforts and/or funds may be obtained from other early learning programs.”
Paragraph 54 is changed to read: “As a result of PROVIDER’s failure to provide the minimum level of services required by this Contract, COALITION shall temporarily withhold reimbursement, disallow all or part of services not in compliance with the terms of this contract or terminate the contract.”
Paragraph 71 the word “extend” is changed to “extent”.
Form OEL-SR 20L, Statewide School Readiness Provider Contract Licensed Provider Responsibilities:
Page 2, Section II(3)(a) General Liability Insurance, sixth sentence is changed to read: “If the general liability insurance coverage required by this paragraph lapses, COALITION shall immediately terminate this Contract.” The seventh or last sentence is removed.
Page 2, Section II(3)(c) Insurance Limit Reduction is removed.
Form OEL-SR 20LE, Statewide School Readiness Provider Contract Licensed Exempt Provider Responsibilities:
Page 1, Section II(1)(b) Health and Safety, Other License Exempt Providers is changed to add after s.1002.82(2)(i), F.S. as incorporated by reference in Rule 6M-4.620, F.A.C.
Page 2, Section II(3)(a) General Liability Insurance, sixth sentence is changed to read: “If the general liability insurance coverage required by this paragraph lapses, COALITION shall immediately terminate this Contract.” The last sentence is removed.
Page 2, Section II(3)(c) Insurance Limit Reduction is removed.
Form OEL-SR 20FFN, Statewide School Readiness Provider Contract Informal Provider Responsibilities:
Page 1, Section II(1)(b) Health and Safety, Other License Exempt Providers is changed to add after s.1002.82(2)(i), F.S. as incorporated by reference in Rule 6M-4.620, F.A.C.
Page 2, Section II(3)(a) General Liability Insurance, sixth sentence is changed to read: “If the general liability insurance coverage required by this paragraph lapses, COALITION shall immediately terminate this Contract.” The last sentence is removed.
Page 2, Section II(3)(b) Homeowner’s Insurance, sixth sentence is changed to read: “If the insurance coverage required by this paragraph lapses, COALITION shall immediately terminate this Contract.” The last sentence is removed.
Page 2, Section II(3)(c) Insurance Limit Reduction is removed.
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Margaret O’Sullivan Parker, General Counsel, Office of Early Learning, 250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399, (850)717-8550, maggi.parker@oel.myflorida.com
Document Information
- Related Rules: (1)
- 6M-4.610. Statewide Provider Contract for the School Readiness Program