64B16-26.351: Standards for Approval of Registered Pharmacy Technician Training ProgramsNOTICE OF CHANGENotice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 36 No. 37, September 17, 2010 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.A previous Notice of Change published on October 29, 2010 in Vol 36, No 43 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. The change is in response to written comments submitted by the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee. The changes are as follows:
64B16-26.351 Standards for Approval of Registered Pharmacy Technician Training Programs.
1. In subsection (1)(a) through (c), the date of December 1, 2010 will be changed to January 1, 2011.
2. Subsection (1)(d) shall now read as follows:
(d) Pharmacy technician training programs provided by a branch of the federal armed services on or before January 1, 2011.
3. In subsection (1)(e), the date of December 1, 2010 shall be changed to January 1, 2011.
4. In subsection (2)(a), Department of Education shall be changed to Commission for Independent Education and the phrase county, or shall be deleted.
5. Subsection (2)(b) shall now read as follows:
(b) Offer a course of study that includes classroom study and clinical instruction that includes the following:
6. (2)(b)2.b. shall now read as follows:
b. Florida State law,
7. (2)(b)2.c. shall now read as follows:
c. Florida State rules,
8. (2)(b)2.d. shall now read as follows:
d. Pharmacy technician Florida rules and law,
9. In subsection (2)(c), the effective date of the incorporated application shall be changed to December 2010.
10. (2)(d) shall now read as follows:
(d) Use materials and methods that demonstrate that:
11. (2)(d)1. through 3. shall remain as previously noticed in the 10/29/10 Notice of Change.
12. (2)(e) shall now read as follows:
(e) Demonstrate that the faculty is qualified to teach the subject-matter by complying with the following:
13. (2)(e)1. through 3. shall remain as previously noticed in the 10/29/10 Notice of Change.
14. In subsection (3), the effective date of the application shall be changed to December 2010.
15. (3)(a) shall now read as follows:
(a) Offer a course of study that includes classroom study and clinical instruction that includes the following:
16. (3)(a)2.b. shall now read as follows:
b. Florida State law,
17. (3)(a)2.c. shall now read as follows:
c. Florida State rules,
18. (3)(a)2.d. shall now read as follows:
d. Pharmacy technician Florida rules and law,
19. (3)(c) shall now read as follows:
(c) Demonstrate that the faculty is qualified to teach the subject matter by complying with the following:
20. (3)(d) shall now read as follows:
(d) Give participants an opportunity to evaluate learning experiences, instructional methods, facilities and resources used for the offering. To ensure participants will be given an opportunity to evaluate the program, the applicant must submit a sample evaluation to be reviewed by the Board.
21. (3)(e) shall now read as follows:
(e) Ensure that self-directed learning experiences, including but not limited to home study, computer programs, internet or web-based courses, evaluate participant knowledge at the completion of the learning experience. The evaluation must include a minimum of 100 questions. The participant must achieve a minimum score of 70% on the evaluation to receive the certificate of completion. The evaluation must be graded by the provider.
22. (3)(f) shall now read as follows:
(f) Designate a person to assume responsibility for registered pharmacy technician training program. If the contact person is not a licensed pharmacist or registered pharmacy technician, provision should be made for insuring licensed pharmacist or registered pharmacy technician input in overall program planning and evaluation.
23. (3)(g) shall now read as follows:
(g) Establish written policies and procedures for implementation of the registered pharmacy technician training program.
24. (3)(f)2. shall be renumbered as (3)(h) and shall now read as follows:
(h) Maintain a system of record-keeping which provides for storage of program information.
25. (3)(f)3. shall be renumbered as (3)(i) and shall now read as follows:
(i) Maintain program records for a period not less than three years during which time the records must be available for inspection by the board or department.
26. (3)(f)4. shall be renumbered as (3)(j) and shall now read as follows:
(j) Furnish each participant with an authenticated individual Certificate of Completion.
27. (3)(f)5. shall be deleted in its entirety.
THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Fritz Hayes, Executive Director, Board of Pharmacy, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C04, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3254
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