Commission Approval and Accreditation of Advanced Building Code Training Courses  



    Florida Building Commission


    61G20-6.002Commission Approval and Accreditation of Advanced Building Code Training Courses


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 40, No. 95, May 15, 2014 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.


    61G20-6.002 Commission Approval and Accreditation of Advanced Building Code Training Courses.

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (3) Training Provider Registration and Requirements.

    (a) through (e) No change.

    (f) On or before the effective date of changes to the Florida Building Code, Florida Statutes or rule relating to the Florida Building Code, providers shall update existing accredited courses affected by the code, law or rule changes pursuant to paragraph subsection (3)(g) and submit for accreditation on the Building Code Information System at If the course is not updated, the course expires and cannot be updated. The code version, law or rule that initiated the update and reaccreditation process must be noted on the application. Accreditation of revisions to approved accredited courses shall be accomplished in the same manner as described in paragraphs (a) through (f) hereof, except only the revision submitted shall be subject to review. These courses shall be approved by the administrator of the education program subject to ratification by the Florida Building Commission.

    (g) No change.

    (h) If an approved accredited course requires only one change to correct or update a reference, table, diagram, or quoted provision of code, law, or administrative rule, the training provider may self-affirm by completing Form FBCED 2003-03 FBC-ED-002 (adopted above in paragraph (3)(b) subparagraph (3)(a)). The same change may be made in more than one place in the course. The code version, law or administrative rule must be noted on the application. The training provider must list the exact correction or update, the specific location of the correction or update, and reason for the change in the course and affirm this is the only correction or update to the course. The correction or update to the course shall be approved by the administrator of the education program subject to ratification by the Florida Building Commission.

    (i) If an approved accredited course is not affected by the code, law, or administrative rule change, and no change is required, but a licensure or other board requires an updated version of the course, the training provider may self-affirm by completing Form FBCED 2003-03 FBC-ED-002 (adopted above in paragraph (3)(b) subparagraph (3)(a)). The code version must be noted on the application. The course shall be approved by the administrator of the education program subject to ratification by the Florida Building Commission.

    (j) through (k) No change.

    (4) Course Content and Accreditor Review. Accreditors shall review courses submitted by registered providers to determine if the course accurately presents the technical and administrative responsibilities reflected in the law, administrative rule, current edition of the Florida Building Code or future editions approved for adoption by the Florida Building Commission. If a course is impacted by any subsequent changes to the updates approved for adoption by the Florida Building Commission, the provider is responsible for revising the course to comply with the Florida Building Code in accordance with paragraphs (3)(f) through (j). Accreditors shall not mutually accredit each others’ courses. The accreditor shall determine if the course meets the following minimum criteria:

    (a) The cCourse title and number shall include:. The code edition, law or administrative rule, the word “advanced,” and, if appropriate, the term “internet” shall be in the title;

    1. The code edition, law, or administrative rule;

    2. The word “advanced”; and

    3. If appropriate, the term “internet”;

    (b) through (m) No change.

    (5) through (7) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 553.841(7) FS. Law Implemented 553.841 FS. History–New 6-8-05, Amended 4-30-07, 6-12-08, 3-4-09, 11-2-09, 1-9-11, Formerly 9B-70.002, Amended 2-5-13,_________.