Water Management Districts, South Florida Water Management District  



    South Florida Water Management District

    Revised FAR Notice for Draft 2018 South Florida Environmental Report (SFER)

    Volume I Web Board Public Review

    The South Florida Water Management District announces the upcoming web posting of the Draft 2018 South Florida Environmental Report (SFER) – Volume I to which all persons are invited to view and encouraged to comment. The public review and comment will be conducted on a dedicated web board, which will be accessible from the District’s website at www.sfwmd.gov/sfer.

    Title of Event: Draft 2018 South Florida Environmental Report (SFER) – Volume I Web Board Public Review

    Name of Agency: South Florida Water Management District

    Date and Time: Some chapters and appendices will be available on the web board for peer review and public comment on the Draft 2017 SFER – Volume I beginning on October 1, 2017. This is week later than originally scheduled due to delays brought about by Hurricane Irma and the South Florida Water Management District’s response to the storm. The remaining chapters and appendices will be posted as soon as they become available. The comment period will close once the last item posted has been available on the web board for three weeks. This date has not yet been determined. The SFER web board will also be available for public viewing from October 1, 2017, through December 29, 2017.

    Place: http://sfwmd.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=552258

    For persons without access to the Internet, access to the web board website is available at the headquarters office of the South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

    General Subject Matter to be Considered: Beginning on October 1, 2017, through December 29, 2017, interested parties may access the SFER web board and view communications among the peer review panelists, agency responses to comments, electronically stored communications, and other public records associated with the Draft 2018 SFER – Volume I that are web posted. Peer review panelists comments and recommendations will be posted on the web board, and the public can access this information via the website. The public may comment directly on the web board at any time beginning October 1, 2017, on any aspect of the Draft 2018 SFER – Volume I, particularly on relevant scientific or technical data and findings. Communications and documents from all parties can be accessed at any time once they are posted during the review period.

    A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting: Not applicable.

    For information regarding this review, please write to: the South Florida Water Management District, P.O. Box 24680, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 or contact Kim Chuirazzi, (561)682-2425, kchuiraz@sfwmd.gov.

    Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this review is asked to advise the agency when access to the web board is needed by contacting: Kim Chuirazzi, (561)682-2425, kchuiraz@sfwmd.gov.

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