Electronic Filing System, Electronic Filing System Requirements; Disclosure to Customer  

  • Rule No.: RULE TITLE
    15C-18.001: Electronic Filing System
    15C-18.006: Electronic Filing System Requirements; Disclosure to Customer
    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 36 No. 33, August 20, 2010 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    These changes were omitted in error from the approved rule text.

    15C-18.001(2), shall have the following paragraph (i) added:

    (i) “Sales Agreement” means the document that buyer and seller sign memorializing the terms of the sale and includes, but is not limited to a buyer’s order and a bill of sale.

    15C-18.006, subsection (5) shall read:

    (5) If an EFS agent charges a fee to the customer for use of the electronic filing system in a title or registration transaction, the fee shall be disclosed separately and conspicuously in the sales agreement as an optional fee. Tthe EFS agent may not disclose or disguise this as a State or Government fee.