6A-1.099811Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 45 No. 167, August 27, 2019 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
In response to public comment the rule is amended as follows:
6A-1.099811Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement
(1) No change.
(2) Definitions. The following definitions, listed alphabetically, shall be used in this rule and incorporated documents:
(a) through (l) No change.
(m) “Instructional coach” means a staff member with a proven record of effectiveness in a specific subject area who has knowledge of adult learning to build capacity through coaching cycles in the development and modeling of effective lessons, use of assessment instruments, analysis of assessment and anecdotal data, and providing professional development and ongoing feedback.
(n) through (bb) No change.
(3) through (4) No change.
(5) Support Strategies for SI schools.
(a) No change.
(b) The support and improvement strategies that must be considered by a district that has any SI school to improve student performance are to:
1. through 3. No change.
4. Staff the school with a principal and school leadership who have a successful record of leading a turnaround school and who have the qualifications to support the student population at the assigned SI school; and
5. Ensure the instructional programs align to Florida’s Standards across grade levels and are proven to be effective with high-poverty, at-risk students using ESSA’s evidence-based levels 1, 2, or 3;
6. Ensure that K-12 intensive reading instruction is provided by teachers certified or endorsed in reading;
7. Ensure the instructional and intervention programs for reading are consistent with s. 1001.215(8), F.S.;
8. Ensure remedial and supplemental instructional resources are prioritized for K-3 students with a substantial deficiency in reading in accordance with the district’s K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-based Reading Plan; and
9. 5. Implement other school improvement strategies recommended by the RED that are designed to lead to school improvement in SI schools.
(c) through (e) No change.
(6) through (7) No change.
(8) District-managed Turnaround (DMT).
(a) DMT-Step One. The district must meet and document the requirements set forth in paragraph (7)(a) of this rule, and the following requirements on the form entitled, District-Managed Turnaround Plan–Step 1, TOP-1.
1. Agree to meet the following assurances:
a. Ensure the district-leadership team develops and implements the DMT and dedicates a district position to lead the turnaround efforts;
b. Ensure the instructional programs align to Florida’s Standards across grade levels and are proven to be effective with high-poverty, at-risk students using ESSA’s evidence-based levels 1, 2, or 3;
c. through j. No change.
k. Ensure that K-12 reading instruction is provided by teachers certified or endorsed in reading.
2. through 4. No change.
(b) DMT – Step Two. The district must meet and document the following requirements on the form entitled District-Managed Turnaround Plan–Step 2, TOP-2.
1. through 5. No change.
6. Describe how the instructional programs align to Florida’s Standards across grade levels and are proven to be effective with high-poverty, at-risk students using ESSA’s evidence-based levels 1, 2, or 3;
7. Describe how the instructional and intervention programs for reading are consistent with s. 1001.215(8), F.S.;
8.7. Describe how progress monitoring assessments are aligned to Florida’s Standards and provide valid data to support intervention for students;
9.8. Describe the district’s allocation of resources and how they align to the specific needs of the school
10. Describe how remedial and supplemental instruction resources are prioritized for K-3 students with a substantial deficiency in reading in accordance with the district’s K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-Based Reading Plan;
11.9. Describe how the district recruited the principal and assistant principal and provide evidence that demonstrates they have a successful record in leading a turnaround school and the qualifications to support the student population being served;
12.10. Describe the district’s systems that ensure the school has effective educators capable of improving student achievement, including priority in hiring, recruitment and retention incentives and professional development and coaching support;
13.11. Describe how the district fills vacancies in core content areas ensuring incentives are offered and priority in hiring is given to the school;
14.12. Describe how the district recruits instructional personnel with Highly Effective or Effective three-year aggregated state VAM ratings;
15.13. Describe how the district reassigned or non-renewed instructional personnel with a rating of Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement, based on the most recent three-year aggregated state VAM; and
16.14. Provide information demonstrating that the school meets the instructional staffing requirements set forth above in sub-subparagraph (8)(a)1.h. of this rule.
(9) Reassignment/Closure (RC).
(a) RC-Step One. The district must meet and document the requirements set forth in paragraph (7)(a) of this rule and the following requirements on the form entitled, Turnaround Option Plan–Step 1, TOP-1, 3-Options:
1. through 2. No change.
3. Ensure that the district will monitor for three (3) school years on a quarterly basis the following: student attendance, grade and progress monitoring data, the type of intervention and instruction extended learning opportunities and coaching provided to students to address deficiencies (if applicable), as well as all instructional personnel assigned to the students and their state VAM rating;
4. Ensure that for the upcoming school year, instructional personnel from the closed school who are rated as Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement based upon the three-year aggregated state VAM ratings are not reassigned to other SI schools within the district for the upcoming school year; and
5. Ensure that administrators from the closed school are not reassigned to other SI schools within the district for the upcoming school year; and .
6. Ensure that, for the upcoming school year, instructional personnel from the closed school who are rated as Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement are not assigned to:
a. A high school or middle school student who was taught by a classroom teacher rated as Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement for the previous school year in the same subject area.
b. An elementary school student who was taught by a classroom teacher rated as Unsatisfactory or Needs Improvement for the previous school year.
(b) RC-Step Two. The district must meet and document the following requirements on the form entitled, Turnaround Option Plan–Step 2, TOP-2, Reassignment/Closure.
1. through 2. No change.
3. Describe how the district will ensure that intervention and instruction extended learning opportunities and coaching are provided to students to address deficiencies, and that student attendance, grade, and progress monitoring data, as well as all instructional personnel assigned to the student and their state VAM rating, will be monitored for the students from the closed school for three (3) school years on a quarterly basis;
4. through 5. No change.
(10) through (17) No change.
The following forms are amended to incorporate these changes: TOP-1, District-managed Turnaround Plan–Step 1, TOP-2, District-managed Turnaround Plan–Step 2, TOP-1, Turnaround Option Plan–Step 1, 3-Options and TOP-2, Turnaround Option Plan–Step 2, Reassignment/Closure.