On September 4, 2024, the Florida Department of Commerce issued a Final Order in Commerce Case No. 24-028, granting the City of Perry (“Petitioner”) a waiver from the requirements of Florida Administrative Code (“F.A.C.”) ....  



    Division of Community Development


    73C-23.0041Application Process

    73C-23.0048Specific Requirements for Economic Development

    The Florida Department of Commerce ("Department") hereby gives notice: On September 4, 2024, the Florida Department of Commerce issued a Final Order in Commerce Case No. 24-028, granting the City of Perry (“Petitioner”) a waiver from the requirements of Florida Administrative Code (“F.A.C.”) paragraph 73C-23.0041(2)(c), and subsection 73C-23.0048(1), paragraph (2)(d). Paragraph 73C-23.0041(2)(c), F.A.C., establishes the maximum amount that may be requested for an Economic Development subgrant. In addition, subsection 73C-23.0048(1), and paragraph (2)(d), F.A.C., establishes the funding categories for Economic Development grants as well as the prohibited uses. The Department determined that the Petitioner would suffer a substantial hardship if the waiver was not granted and that the purpose of the underlying statute will be met. The Petition was received on June 4, 2024, and notice of the receipt of petition was published on June 19, 2024 in Vol. 50, No. 120 of the Florida Administrative Register. No comments were received on the Petition.

    A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting: Agency Clerk, Florida Department of Commerce, Office of the General Counsel, 107 East Madison Street, MSC-110, Tallahassee, Florida 32399; Agency.Clerk@commerce.fl.gov; or by facsimile at (850)921-3230.