Jody L. Barrows on behalf of JLB Drafting on August 1, 2007.  


    Division of Housing and Community Development

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Florida Building Commission has received the petition for declaratory statement from Jody L. Barrows on behalf of JLB Drafting on August 1, 2007, regarding whether section 1805.2, Florida Building Code, Building Volume (2004 as amended 12/05 and 12/06) requires the foundation for a modular office building to be include a concrete footer, stem wall, and/or slab foundation, or whether an alternate method of construction may be used if an engineer demonstrates by design and calculations that it meets the code’s requirements for transfer of uplift, lateral, gravity and soil bearing loads. It has been assigned the number DCA07-DEC-145.

    A copy of the request may be obtained by writing to: Paula P. Ford, Commission Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, Florida Building Commission, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100.

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