Approved Schools  

    61G18-13.002: Approved Schools
    Notice is hereby given that the following correction has been made to the proposed rule in Vol. 37 No. 49, December 9, 2011 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    The correction is response to the comments made in the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee letter dated January 11, 2012. The corrections are as follows:

    The PURPOSE AND EFFECT should read: The rule is being repealed as it essentially restates the provisions of Section 474.207, Florida Statutes, which sets forth the criteria for approved schools.

    The SUMMARY should read: The rule has been deemed redundant of current statutory provisions and is therefore being repealed.

    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THIS NOTICE IS: Juanita Chastain, Executive Director, Board of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

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Related Rules: (1)
61G18-13.002. Approved Schools