Supplemental Guide Signs, Supplemental Guide Signs  




    14-51.020Supplemental Guide Signs

    14-51.030Destination Guide Signs


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 41 No. 214, November 3, 2015 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    14-51.020 Supplemental Guide Signs.

    (1) No change.

    (2) Standards.

    (a) Not more than  four supplemental guide sign destinations on no more than two guide sign assemblies shall be signed at any one interchange approach.  No more than three lines of text shall be permitted on any one sign excluding exit numbers or exit directions. Minimum sign spacing provided in Table 1 of Rule 14-51.014(7), FAC, shall not be violated.

    (b) through (g) No change.

    (3) Guidelines

    (a) through (c) No change.

    (d) Mixed use developments or planned unit developments shall be eligible for signing on limited access facilities only when the development:

    1. is located within 5 miles of the interchange that is the most practical route to the development;

    2. covers 3 20 square miles or more;

    3. is open to the general public year round with non-gated access to commercial, retail, and activity/entertainment areas;

    4. is a census designated place; and

    45. has 15,000 or more dwelling units, 1,000,000 or more square feet of commercial/ and retail space, and 500,000 or more 4,000,000 square feet or more of office space.

    (e) through (h) No change.

    (i) Licensed Craft Distilleries shall be eligible for signing pursuant to Section 565.03, F.S. One sign in each direction at the nearest state road intersection to the distillery will be permitted based on space availability. The Craft Distillery will be responsible for all signs and associated costs, including replacements, through the Department’s permit system in accordance with 14-51.014, F.A.C.

    (j) through (q) No change.

    (r) Airports licensed under Section 330.30, Florida Statutes, providing scheduled commercial air carrier service and seaport facilities listed in Section 403.021(9)(b), Florida Statutes, providing scheduled commercial passenger service are considered prime destinations and are eligible for signing.

    (s)  General aviation will not be eligible for signing.

    (r)(t)  “DOWNTOWN” signs must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for signing:

    1. through 5. No change.

    (4) Destinations Not Eligible for Signing.

    (a) Except for LOGO signing as provided in Rule Chapter 14-85 or Rule 14-51.021, F.A.C.,  guide signing shall not be provided for community recognition signs, acknowledgment signs or the following destinations shown in Table 3, shall not be eligible for signing.

    Table 3 – Destinations Not Eligible for Signing on Limited Access Facilities


    Chamber of Commerce, television/radio station, live performance or movie theaters, motels/hotels/inns, travel trailer parks, industrial parks and plants, commerce centers, shopping centers, auto malls, auctions, flea markets.


    Local, state, federal, sovereign nation, public, private.

    Community Facilities

    Libraries, churches, subdivisions, mixed use facilities, community and general aviation airports, recreational facilities or parks, community recognition or acknowledgment.


    Research/experimental campuses even when associated with a state college or university; regional political offices or boundaries,  state, district, local offices even where trip generation is associated with public meetings, hearings or permit applications, Government centers, courthouses, driver license centers, jails, correctional facilities, prisons, civil defense facilities, maintenance facilities, power plants, gaming facilities not operated under Florida pari-mutuel licensing.


    K through 12, seminaries, post-graduate educational facilities.


    Homes/buildings/sites/landmarks publicly or privately owned, heritage trails.


    All classes of hospitals, and other licensed facilities except as specified in Rules 14-51.021 and 14-51.020, F.A.C., mental health facilities, research facilities, sanitariums, rehabilitation/infirmaries/treatment centers, non-hospital Veteran’s facilities, county/fraternal/nursing homes, retirement facilities, humane facilities including animal emergency services (not qualified under General Services).


    Sites/detachments, armories, arsenals and recruitment centers.


    Country clubs/golf courses/resorts, fish hatcheries, game farms, tree nurseries/ arboretums, points of interest, camps (scout, church, 4-H, youth, YMCA/YWCA) nature trails, conservation or protection areas, conservation developments, watersheds, trail heads and crossings, gun and archery clubs.


    Rulemaking Authority 316.0745 FS. Law Implemented 316.0745 FS. History–New 3-27-05, Amended 11-24-11,____                                                       


    14-51.030 Destination Guide Signs

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (3) Guidelines

    (a) through (i) No change.

    (j) Certified Florida Farm Wineries shall be eligible for destination guide signing pursuant to Section 599.004, F.S. The Florida Farm Winery logo with supplemental name panel shall be installed at the nearest state highway intersection based on space availability for certified wineries. There is a $250 one-time fee per sign.

    (k) Licensed Craft Distilleries shall be eligible for signing in accordance with Section 565.03, F.S. based on space availability. The Craft Distillery will be responsible for all signs and associated costs, including replacements, through the Department’s permit system in accordance with 14-51.014, F.A.C.   One sign in each direction at the nearest state road intersection to the distillery will be permitted based on space availability.

    (l) No change.

    (m) Mixed use developments or planned unit developments shall be eligible for signing on non-limited access facilities only when the development:

    1. is located within 5 miles of the interchange that is the most practical route to the development;

    2.1. covers 3 20 square miles or more;

    3.2. is open to the general public year round with non-gated no-gated access to commercial, retail, and activity/entertainment areas;

    3. is a census designated place;and,

    4. has 15,000 or more dwelling units,1,000,000 or more square feet of commercial/ and retail space, and 500,000 or more 4,000,000 square feet or more of office space.

    (4) Destinations Not Eligible for Signing on Non-Limited Access Facilities.

    Except as provided in Rule Chapter 14-85 or Rule 14-51.021, F.A.C., destination guide signing shall not be provided for community recognition signs, acknowledgment signs or the following destinations shown in Table 5.

    Table 5  Destinations Not Eligible for Signing on Non-Limited Access Facilities


    Television/radio station, theaters, motels/hotels/inns, travel trailer parks, industrial parks and plants, office parks, shopping districts, shopping centers.


    Local, state, federal, sovereign nation, public, private.

    Community Facilities

    Civic groups (Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, etc.), churches, subdivision, mixed use facilities, business districts, community recognition or acknowldegment signs.


    State, local and regional political offices or boundaries.


    Sites/detachments, armories, arsenals and recruitment centers.


    K through 9.


    Infirmaries, out-patient or residential treatment centers; county, fraternal or non-Veterans nursing homes, retirement facilities, specialized short or long term treatment or rehabilitation facilities, ambulatory surgical center, specialty hospitals or clinics.


    Water and soil conservation district boundaries, water sheds, habitat or natural resource protection zones, recreation centers (community centers, swimming pools, baseball/softball fields, tennis courts, etc.), training centers, country clubs, golf courses, resorts, tree nurseries/arboretums (including those sponsored by government services), gun and archery clubs.



    Rulemaking Authority 316.0745 FS. Law Implemented 316.0745 FS. History–New 3-27-05, Amended 11-24-11,                     .