Definitions, Subsurface Tracer Studies, Storage and Control of Volatiles and Gases, Radiation Surveys, Detection of Leaking or Contaminated Sources, Radioactive Material Other Than Source Material - Exemptions, Types of Licenses, Special ...  



    Division of Environmental Health



    64E-5.1115Subsurface Tracer Studies

    64E-5.1317Storage and Control of Volatiles and Gases

    64E-5.1419Radiation Surveys

    64E-5.1420Detection of Leaking or Contaminated Sources

    64E-5.203Radioactive Material Other Than Source Material Exemptions

    64E-5.204Types of Licenses

    64E-5.210Special Requirements for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material

    64E-5.213Specific Terms and Conditions of License

    64E-5.216Reciprocal Recognition of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, Naturally Occurring and Accelerator Produced Radioactive Material, and Special Nuclear Material in Quantities Not Sufficient to Form a Critical Mass

    64E-5.304Occupational Dose Limits for Adults

    64E-5.306Determination of External Dose from Airborne Radioactive Material

    64E-5.307Determination of Internal Exposure

    64E-5.313Compliance with Dose Limits for Individual Members of the Public

    64E-5.315Conditions Requiring Individual Monitoring of External and Internal Occupational Dose

    64E-5.326Exemptions to Labeling Requirements

    64E-5.330Discharge by Release into Sanitary Sewerage

    64E-5.331Disposal of Specific Wastes

    64E-5.344Notification of Incidents

    64E-5.350Reports of Transactions Involving Nationally Tracked Sources

    64E-5.351Nationally Tracked Source Thresholds


    64E-5.607Authority and Responsibilities

    64E-5.609Visiting Authorized User, Visiting Authorized Medical Physicist, or Visiting RSO

    64E-5.614Possession, Use, Calibration, and Check of Dose Calibrators in the Use of Unsealed Radiopharmaceuticals

    64E-5.626Use of Radiopharmaceuticals for Uptake, Dilution, or Excretion Studies

    64E-5.627Use of Unsealed Radiopharmaceuticals, Generators, and Reagent Kits for Imaging and Localization Studies

    64E-5.629Control of Aerosols and Gases

    64E-5.630Use of Radiopharmaceuticals for Therapy

    64E-5.632Use of Sources for Manual Brachytherapy

    64E-5.633Manual Brachytherapy Sources Inventory and Surveys

    64E-5.6412Full Calibration Measurements on Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units

    64E-5.6422Periodic Spot-Checks for Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units

    64E-5.643Radiation Surveys for Teletherapy Facilities

    64E-5.645Therapy-Related Computer Systems

    64E-5.649Training for Uptake, Dilution, or Excretion Studies

    64E-5.650Training for Imaging and Localization Studies for Which a Written Directive Is Not Required

    64E-5.652Training for Use of Manual Brachytherapy Sources

    64E-5.653Training for Ophthalmic Use of Strontium 90

    64E-5.654Training for Use of Sealed Sources for Diagnosis

    64E-5.655Training for Use of Remote Afterloader Units, Teletherapy Units, and Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units

    64E-5.656Training for and Authorized Medical Physicist

    64E-5.660Training for Use of Unsealed Radioactive Material for Which A Written Directive is Required in Rule 63E-5.626, 64E-5.627 or 64E-5.630, F.A.C.

    64E-5.661Training for the Oral Administration of Sodium Iodide I-131 Requiring A Written Directive in Quantities Less Than or Equal to 1.22 Gigabecquerels (33 Millicuries)

    64E-5.662Training for the Oral Administration of Sodium Iodide I-131 Requiring A Written Directive in Quantities Greater Than 1.22 Gigabecquerels (33 Millicuries)

    64E-5.663Training for the Parenteral Administration of Unsealed Radioactive Material Requiring a Written Directive

    64E-5.810Ventilation Systems


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 39, No. 77, April 19, 2013 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.


    64E-5.101 Definitions.

    As used in these rules, these terms have the definitions set forth below. Additional definitions used only in a certain part are defined in that respective part.

    (1) through (13) No change.

    (14) “Annual limit on intake” (ALI) means the derived limit for the amount of radioactive material taken into the body of an adult worker by inhalation or ingestion in a year. ALI is the smaller value of intake of a given radionuclide in a year by Reference Man that would result in a committed effective dose equivalent of 5 rem (0.05 sievert) or a committed dose equivalent of 50 rem (0.5 sievert) to any individual organ or tissue. ALI values for intake by ingestion and by inhalation of selected radionuclides are given in State of Florida Bureau of Radiation Control ALIs, DACs, and Effluent Concentrations, June 2012, Table I, Columns 1 and 2.

    (15) through (36) No change.

    (37) “Derived air concentration” (DAC) means the concentration of a given radionuclide in air which, if breathed by Reference Man for a working year of 2,000 hours under conditions of light work, results in an intake of one ALI. For purposes of these rules, the condition of light work is an inhalation rate of 1.2 cubic meters of air per hour for 2,000 hours in a year. DAC values are given in State of Florida Bureau of Radiation Control ALIs, DACs, and Effluent Concentrations, June 2012, Table I, Column 3.

    (38) through (76) No change.

    (77) “Low specific activity material (LSA)” means that as defined in 49 C.F.R.173.403, 10-1-12 edition, which is herein incorporated by reference and may be obtained at               or at radmat1.htm.

    (78) through (95) No change.

    (96) “Package” means that as defined in 49 C.F.R.173.403, 10-1-12 edition.

    (97) through (197) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 404.042, 404.051, 404.061 FS. Law Implemented 404.031, 404.051, 404.061, 404.20, 404.22, FS. History–New 7-17-85, Amended 4-4-89, 5-12-93, 1-1-94, 5-15-96, Formerly 10D-91.102, Amended 5-18-98, 10-8-00, 8-6-01, 9-11-01, 12-18-01, 9-28-06, 8-16-07, 2-28-08, 2-11-10,__________.


    64E-5.350 Reports of Transactions Involving Nationally Tracked Sources.

    Each licensee who manufactures, transfers, receives, disassembles, or disposes of a nationally tracked source shall complete and submit to the NRC a National Source Tracking Transaction Report as specified in paragraphs (1) through (5) of this section for each type of transaction.

    (1) through (7) No change.

    (8) Each licensee that possesses Category 1 nationally tracked sources shall report its initial inventory of Category 1 nationally tracked sources to the National Source Tracking System by January 31, 2009 or as specified in 10 C.F.R. 20.2207(h),1-1-13 edition, which is herein incorporated by reference and is available at               or whichever is the latest. Each licensee that possesses Category 2 nationally tracked sources shall report its initial inventory of Category 2 nationally tracked sources to the National Source Tracking System by January 31, 2009 or as specified in 10 C.F.R. 20.2207(h), 1-1-13 edition whichever is the latest. The information may be submitted by using any of the methods identified by paragraphs (6)(a) through (6)(e) of this section. The initial inventory report must include the following information:

    (a) through (f) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 404.051, 404.081 FS. Law Implemented 404.022, 404.051, 404.081 FS. History–New 2-28-08, Amended__________.