General Information  



    Family Safety and Preservation Program


    65C-25.003General Information


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 45 No. 179, September 13, 2019 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    65C-25.003 General Information.

    (1) through (7) No change.

    (8) Minimum Personnel Requirements. All child care personnel in facilities for mildly ill children shall meet the requirements outlined in Section 402.305(2), F.S., and the following additional requirements:.

    (a) Minimum Age Requirements. No person under the age of 18 shall be allowed to provide care for mildly ill children.

    (b) Minimum Training Requirements Iin addition to the required training outlined in Section 402.305(2)(e), F.S., and the Child Care Facility Handbook, section 4, all child care personnel in facilities for mildly ill children shall:.

    1. All child care personnel caring for mildly ill children shall Hhave current certification in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid prior to caring for the children at the facility; and.

    2. All child care personnel caring for mildly ill children shall Ccomplete 10 hours of annual in-service training relating to care of sick children and the prevention of communicable diseases. Operators or Directors shall complete at least two hours of training relating to sick children as part of their 10 hours annual in-service training.

    Rulemaking Authority 402.302, 402.305, 402.310 FS. Law Implemented 402.302, 402.305, 402.310  FS. History–New 5-21-00, Amended 7-13-03. Amended___

    In addition, the following changes will be made to incorporated forms:

    On Part 3 of CF-FSP 5237, “under penalty of perjury” will be removed and a citation to s. 837.06, F.S., will be added.

    On CF-FSP 5241, the reference to 65C-25.003(9)(b) will be changed to 65C-25.003(14)(b).

Document Information

Related Rules: (1)
65C-25.003. General Information