The Board proposes the rule amendments to review the rules for any needed changes.  

Document Information

General Requirements of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Training Programs. Personnel of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Training Programs. Curriculum Requirements for Clinical Laboratory Personnel Training Programs.
The Board proposes the rule amendments to review the rules for any needed changes.
Rulemaking Authority:
483.805(4), 483.811(2) F.S.
483.800, 483.807, 483.809, 483.811 F.S.
Anthony B. Spivey, Executive Director, Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C07, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3257.
Related Rules: (3)
64B3-3.001. General Requirements of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Training Programs
64B3-3.002. Personnel of Clinical Laboratory Personnel Training Programs
64B3-3.003. Curriculum Requirements for Clinical Laboratory Personnel Training Programs