that the Petition for Waiver or Variance filed on behalf of Israt Jahan, MSMS, MBBS on October 23, 2018, has been withdrawn.  



    Board of Medicine


    64B8-4.004Approved Residency or Fellowship; Definitions

    The Board of Medicine hereby gives notice: that the Petition for Waiver or Variance filed on behalf of Israt Jahan, MSMS, MBBS on October 23, 2018, has been withdrawn.  The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Volume 44, No. 210, of the Florida Administrative Register, on October 26, 2018At the Credentials Committee meeting held on December 6, 2018, in Orlando, Florida, and on the record, the Petitioner withdrew the Petition. The person to be contacted regarding this Petition is: Claudia Kemp, J.D., Executive Director, Board of Medicine, at the above address, or telephone (850)245-4131.