Grants Program  




    41-2.014Grants Program


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 46 No. 224, November 17, 2020 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    The changes are in response to written comments submitted by the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee and discussion and subsequent vote by the Commission at a public meeting held December 16, 2020.  The changes are as follows:

    41-2.014 Grants Program.

    (1) Eligible Receipients Applicants. Grant funds will be allocated annually to the following entities:

    (a) through (b)  No change.

    (2) through (3)  No change.

    (4) Distribution of Grant Funds. Each year, the Commission shall allocate a portion identified as the Grants Program of the Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund in the following manner:

    (a) through (c)  No change.

    (5) Distribution of Trip and Equipment Related Grant Funds. Each eligible recipient’s applicant’s allocation will be determined for the county or counties within the designated service area for which the recipient applicant provides coordinated transportation disadvantaged services.

    (a) Allocation of trip and equipment grant funds shall be based on a comparative ranking of all eligible recipients applicants in each of the following categories:

    1. The county’s total transportation disadvantaged eligible population as a percentage of the state’s total transportation disadvantaged eligible population, based on the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 5-Year Population Estimates. 

    2. The county’s total centerline miles of public roads as a percentage of the state’s total centerline miles of public roads, based on public mileage data reported by the Federal Highway Administration. 

    3. The county’s total transportation disadvantaged services provided by trip and equipment grant funds as a percentage of the state’s total transportation disadvantaged services provided by trip and equipment grant funds, as reported on the invoices submitted by recipients applicants for reimbursement under the trip and equipment grant program. 

    4. The county’s total allocated amount of trip and equipment grant flunds as a percentage of the state’s total allocated amount of trip and equipment grant funds, based on allocated amounts from the previous fiscal year.

    (b) For the 2021-2022 fiscal year, each category shall represent the following percentages of the state’s total allocated amount for the trip and equipment grant program:

    1. 2.5% based on the state’s total transportation disadvantaged eligible population.

    2. 2.5% based on the state’s total centerline miles of public roads.

    3. 1.5% based on the state’s total transportation disadvantaged services provided by trip and equipment grant funds.

    4. 80% based on the state’s total allocated amount from the 2020-2021 fiscal year.

    (c) For the 2022-2023 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, each category shall represent the following percentages of the state’s total allocated amount for the trip and equipment grant program:

    1. 5% based on the state’s total transportation disadvantaged eligible population.

    2. 5% based on the state’s total centerline miles of public roads.

    3. 5% based on the state’s total transportation disadvantaged services provided by trip and equipment grant funds.

    4. 60% based on the state’s total allocated amount from the previous fiscal year.

    (d) The Commission, in calculating allocated amounts, shall weigh each dataset described in subsection (5)(a) as follows:

    1. Every person identified within the state’s transportation disadvantaged population shall be weighted equally.

    2. Every centerline mile of the state’s public roads shall be weighted equally.

    3. Each trip and mile provided by trip and equipment grant funds shall be weighted relative to the unit cost at which they are reimbursed.  Each bus pass purchased with trip and equipment grant funds shall be weighted higher than the unit cost at which they are reimbursed in order to incentivize their use in service areas where a fixed-route system is available.

    (e) Fund allocations pursuant to subparagraph (5)(a) of this rule shall be administered each fiscal year based on available datae from the previous year or applicable period as determined by the Commission.

    (6) Distribution of Planning Related Grants. Planning related grant funds will be apportioned for distribution to the planning agencies as follows:

    (a) No change. 

    (b) 75% of the planning allocation shall be divided into shares equal to the number of counties throughout the state, with each planning agency receiving no more than one share for each county within its jurisdiction. Eligible recipients applicants not requiring the total amount of funding available may recommend to the Coordinating Board that any excess funds be allocated to the Community Transportation Coordinator for additional non-sponsored trip needs. The Commission shall reallocate any eligible excess funds to that particular county or service area’s normal allocation. A local cash match of at least 10% shall be required to obtain this additional allocation.

    (7) No change. 

    (8) All grant recipients applicants will provide their request for funds to the Commission.

    (9) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 427.013(9), 427.013(10) FS. Law Implemented 427.013, 427.0159, 427.016 FS. History–New 5-2-90, Amended 6-17-92, 7-21-93, 6-26-94, 10-1-96, 3-10-98, 1-13-04, 8-5-18,                  .


    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS:  David Darm, Executive Director, Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, 2740 Centerview Drive, Suite 1A, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, or by email

Document Information

Related Rules: (1)
41-2.014. Grants Program