Standard Statewide Provider Contract for the VPK Program  



    Office of Early Learning


    6M-8.301Standard Statewide Provider Contract for the VPK Program


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 46 No. 252, December 30, 2020 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.


    6M-8.301 Standard Statewide Provider Contract for the VPK Program

    (1) through (7) No change.

    (8) For the purpose of this subsection “individual associated with a provider” means an individual or family member of an individual who, regardless of compensation, holds a management position, oversees the operations of a provider, or is an officer, shareholder, beneficial owner or member of the board of directors of a provider. A provider shall not be eligible to contract to offer the VPK program if any of the following circumstances apply:

    (a) through (f) No change.

    (g) For multi-site providers, such as corporate chains or school districts, VPK program ineligibility identified in paragraphs (e) and (f), above, is per site and may not apply to all locations unless specifically determined otherwise by the coalition. In determining ineligibility of multi-site providers, the coalition shall consider the following factors: the severity of the provider’s actions leading to the ineligibility, the health, safety and welfare of children enrolled at the provider sites, the financial impact of the provider’s actions, the impact that ineligibility would have upon the local community, consistency with coalition’s actions against other providers for similar violations of the Contract or program requirements, the length of time that provider provided services under the Contract with the coalition, and whether the provider had previously violated the terms of the Contract and prior contracts with the coalition.

    (g)(h) For providers removed from eligibility due to noncompliance specifically related to VPK pre- and post-assessment or VPK readiness rates under section 1002.67(4), F.S., the removal from eligibility applies to VPK program type (school-year or summer) and therefore, in paragraphs (e) and (f), above, ineligibility to contract is per program type.

    (9) through (11) No change.

    The following changes are being made to Form OEL VPK 20:

    Page 6, paragraph 24: added statute and rule reference to the delivery table

    Page 9, paragraph 37: added the paragraph numeral which was inadvertently omitted in the previous version

    Page 13, paragraph 56a: added a sentence to clarify requirements for multi-site providers (addressing the removal of the paragraph in the rule text)

    Page 15, paragraph 63: updated language to provide clarification by adding rule reference.