of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance, filed on December 9, 2014, by Louis Kneip. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 40, No. 244, of the December 18, 2014, Florida Administrative Register. ...  



    Board of Professional Engineers



    The Board of Professional Engineers hereby gives notice of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Variance, filed on December 9, 2014, by Louis Kneip. The Notice of Petition for Waiver or Variance was published in Vol. 40, No. 244, of the December 18, 2014, Florida Administrative Register. Petitioner sought a waiver or variance of subsection 61G15-20.0015(5), F.A.C., which allows an applicant with a non-EAC/ABET engineering degree to meet the education requirements of Rule 61G15-20.007, F.A.C., without the need to have the education evaluated, if the applicant has been licensed for 15 years as a professional engineer and demonstrates 20 years of engineering experience.

    The Board’s Order, filed on March 13, 2015, denied the petition finding that the petition was in substantial compliance with the provisions of Section 120.542, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 28-104, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioner has not otherwise met the purpose of the underlying statute. The Board is precluded from granting the petition because granting of the petition would violate statute.

    A copy of the Order or additional information may be obtained by contacting: Zana Raybon, Executive Director, Board of Professional Engineers, 2369 North Monroe Street, Suite B-112, Tallahassee, Florida 32801.

Document Information

Zana Raybon, Executive Director, Board of Professional Engineers, 2369 North Monroe Street, Suite B-112, Tallahassee, Florida 32801.
Related Rules: (1)
61G15-20.001. Definitions