Notice of Extension



    Division of Consumer Services

    Notice of Extension


    69J-176.022Mediation of Bodily Injury and Property Damage Claims

    This Notice of Extension is being published pursuant to subsection 120.74(5), F.S., to extend the April 1, 2024, deadline for publishing a Notice of Proposed Rule for Rule 69J-176.022, F.A.C. The Notice of Rule Development was published in the Vol. 49, No. 212, October 31, 2023, issue of the Florida Administrative Register. This Notice is being filed because the Division is still in the process of finalizing the rule language. The Division provided an opportunity for the public to request a rule workshop in its Notice of Rule Development, but a workshop was not requested and, therefore, was not held. The rule language is nearly complete and will be published in a Notice of Proposed Rule shortly.