General Requirements for Building Movement Permit Issuance  




    14-63.002General Requirements for Building Movement Permit Issuance


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 49 No. 207, October 24, 2023 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    14-63.002 General Requirements for Building Movement Permit Issuance.

    (1)    through (5) No change.

    (6)  Traffic Control.  All building movements must be accompanied by escort vehicles in the front and rear.  The escort vehicles must comply with the requirements specified in Rule 14-26.012, F.A.C.

    (a)  The building movement must pull over to the side at turnouts or median crossovers to allow traffic to pass as directed by enforcement to facilitate public safety.

    (b)  During building movement, a minimum of three adult personnel (including the driver and escort personnel) shall be in attendance at all times.

    (c)  Clean, high visibility, red/orange warning flags at least 18 inches square shall be displayed on the corners and at all protrusions of the building movement at all times.

    (d)  Enroute, during any delays, breakdowns, crashes accidents, or other times when the building is immobile, the building shall be identified with waring lights as described above.  A minimum of one light for each 15 feet of perimeter is required.

    (7) Application Procedure and Notice. Applicants shall obtain a Permit to Move Building Over State Roads, Form 850-040-90, Rev. 12/23 06/07, incorporated herein by reference at, and available from the Department of Transportation’s One Stop Permitting internet site at and may be completed and submitted electronically. A hard copy of the form is available upon request from any District Maintenance Office or area maintenance office. If the proposed route occurs in more than one district, then the applicant will need to submit mail or hand deliver a completed form to each affected District Maintenance Office. Applicants shall complete all appropriate sections of the form and obtain review and approval by the nearest District Maintenance Management Florida Highway Patrol Office with route and escort recommendations.

    (a) Applicants shall contact the local Florida Highway Patrol Station and all Sheriff’s Offices, Police Departments, utilities (e.g., traffic signals, electric power lines, sewer, gas, communication lines, cable television), railroad companies, and all local governments whose facilities will be affected by the move and address any concerns. In addition, it is the responsibility of the permittee to notify these entities utilities at least 24 hours in advance of the proposed move. The permittee shall notify the railroad companies at least 24 hours in advance of any move over at-grade rail crossings.

    (b) through (d) No change.

    (8) Sunset. The Department intends to repeal the provisions of this rule on December 1, 2028, in accordance with the rulemaking requirements of Section 120.54, F.S., unless this rule is reviewed and determined to remain necessary prior to such proposed repeal.

    Rulemaking Authority 316.550 FS. Law Implemented 316.550 FS. History–New 9-1-71, Formerly 14-63.02, Amended 1-3-90, 7-1-92, 11-19-07 ______.

Document Information

Related Rules: (1)
14-63.002. Authorization for Permit Issuance