Definitions, Licensure Requirements, Geographic Service Area, Registration Requirements for Homemaker and Companion Services Providers, Emergency Management Plans  



    Health Facility and Agency Licensing



    59A-8.003Licensure Requirements

    59A-8.007Geographic Service Area

    59A-8.025Registration Requirements for Homemaker and Companion Services Providers

    59A-8.027Emergency Management Plans


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 42 No. 41, March 1, 2016 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    The following sections of the proposed rule will be changed to read:


    59A-8.002 Definitions. No change.


    59A-8.003 Licensure Requirements.

    (1) The issuance of a home health agency license shall be based upon compliance with Chapters 400, Part III, and 408, Part II, F.S., and Rule Chapters 59A-8 and 59A-35, Florida Administrative Code as evidenced by a signed, complete and accurate Health Care Licensing Application, Home Health Agency, AHCA Form 3110-1011, March  January 2016, incorporated by reference and available at, and an inspection as required in Sections 400.471(2) and 408.806(7), F.S. Applicants for renewal of a home health agency license may submit the Health Care Licensing Online Application, Home Health Agency, AHCA Form 3110-1011OL, March 2016, incorporated by reference and available at The application forms are form is available online at http://www/ or, for online renewal submissions, at:

    (2) through (7) No change.

    (8) A home health agency that operates a satellite office must maintain a plan for:

    (a) Ensure coverage Coverage of the professional staff which takes into account the projected number of clients to be served at the satellite office;

    (b) Coordinate Coordination of care and services by staff;

    (c) Ensure supervision Supervision of the staff and provision of services in the event of staff absenteeism;

    (d) Provision of services in the event of staff absenteeism;

    (d)(e) Maintain a A system of communication and integration of services between the main office and the satellite office;

    (e)(f) Provide access Access to patient records at the satellite office;

    (f)(g) Monitor the Monitoring of daily activities (clinical and administrative) and the management of services, as well as personnel and administrative issues at the satellite office;

    (g)(h) Ensure Periodic onsite visits to each satellite office by the home health agency’s administrator;

    (h)(i) Make Publishing the satellite offices hours of operation available to the public if different than the hours of operation maintained by the main office.

    (9)(8) No change.

    (10)(9) If a change of address is to occur, or if a home health agency intends to change the counties served within the geographic service area, or open or close a satellite office, or add or delete a drop-off site, the home health agency must complete and submit the Health Care Licensing Application, Home Health Agency, AHCA Form 3110-1011, March January 2016, incorporated by reference in (1) above, within the timeframe prescribed as required in Rule 59A-35.040(2)(b), F.A.C. For changes of address and additions or changes of satellite offices, The the home health agency must submit to the AHCA Home Care Unit evidence that the location is zoned for a home health agency business for the new address or satellite office and evidence of legal right to occupy the property in accordance with section 408.810(6), F.S. To add or delete a drop-off site, the home health agency must complete and submit the Health Care Licensing Application, Home Health Agency, AHCA Form 3110-1011, March 2016, incorporated by reference in (1) above.

    (10) through (13) are renumbered as (11) through (14) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 400.497, 408.819  FS. Law Implemented 400.464, 400.471, 400.474, 400.484, 400.497, 408.806, 408.807, 408.810, 408.819 FS. History–New 4-19-76, Formerly 10D-68.03, Amended 4-30-86, 8-10-88, 5-30-90, 6-12-91, Formerly 10D-68.003, Amended 4-27-93, 10-27-94, 1-30-97, 1-17-00, 7-18-01, 9-22-05, 8-15-06, 3-29-07, 7-11-13, 6-16-15,                           .


    59A-8.007 Geographic Service Area. No change.


    59A-8.025 Registration Requirements for Homemaker and Companion Services Providers. No change.


    59A-8.027 Emergency Management Plans.  No change.


    The following changes have been made to the Health Care Licensing Application, Home Health Agency, AHCA Form 3110-1011, January 2016:


    Pages 1-14, Footer:

    The form version January 2016 has been changed to March 2016.


    Page 2

    Section 1.C. Property Ownership Information

    This section will be removed from the application.


    Page 3

    Section 3.C. Nonimmigrant Aliens

    This section will be moved to Section 6. Required Disclosures.


    Page 4

    Section 4.C. Nonimmigrant Aliens

    This section will be moved to Section 6. Required Disclosures.


    Page 5

    Section 5. Personnel

    Under the Information column for the Director of Nursing and Alternate Director of Nursing, “Position Responsibilities” will be deleted.


    Page 7

    Section 8. Federal Certification and Other Federal Provider Numbers

    This section will be removed from the application.


    Page 8

    Section 9. Services will be renumbered as Section 8.


    Page 9.

    Section 10. will be renumbered as Section 9.

    Section 11. Satellite Office will be renumbered and retitled as Section 10. Other Associated Locations.


    Page 10

    Section 12. Drop-Off Site will be removed as a separate section and the information fields for drop-off sites will be relocated to Section 10. Other Associated Locations.

    The reference to Section 59A-8.003(8), F.A.C. will be changed to Section 59A-8.003(9), F.A.C.


    Section 13. Days and Hours of Operation will be renumbered as Section 11.

    The reference to Section 59A-8.003(10)(a), F.A.C. will be changed to Section 59A-8.003(11)(a), F.A.C.


    Page 10

    Section 14. Accreditation/Deemed Status will be renumbered as Section 12. and a field for the effective date of accreditation will be added.


    Page 12

    Section 15. Supporting Documents will be renumbered as Section 13.


    Page 13

    Section 16. Attestation will be renumbered as Section 14.