The proposed rule amendments are intended to clarify definitions, documentation requirements, amend benefits, and procedures for claims filed pursuant to the Crimes Compensation Act including changes in response to recent statutory changes.  

Document Information

Definitions, benefits, and documentation requirements.
The proposed rule amendments are intended to clarify definitions, documentation requirements, amend benefits, and procedures for claims filed pursuant to the Crimes Compensation Act including changes in response to recent statutory changes.
Rulemaking Authority:
960.045(1)(b), 960.13(9)(b) FS.
960.065, 960.07, 960.12, 960.13, 960.15, 960.16, 960.17, 960.18, 960.195, 960.198, 960.199, 960.03,960.196, 960.14 FS
Michelle Crum, Chief of Victim Compensation, Department of Legal Affairs, PL- 01, The Capitol, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
Related Rules: (6)
2A-2.0001. Definitions
2A-2.002. Claims
2A-2.013. Property Claims
2A-2.014. Domestic Violence Relocation Assistance
2A-2.015. Sexual Battery Relocation Assistance
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