The proposed rules are being developed to clarify regulatory requirements and to make edits to the Noxious Weed List which includes incorporating plants currently located on the Class I Prohibited Aquatic Plants List cited in Rule 5B-64.011.  



    Division of Plant Industry



    5B-57.004Introduction, Possession or Movement of Arthropods, Biological Control Agents, Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Invasive Plants, Regulated by the Department

    5B-57.007Noxious Weed List

    5B-57.010Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Classification Procedures

    5B-57.011Non-Native Species Planting Permits

    PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The proposed rules are being developed to clarify regulatory requirements and to make edits

    to the Noxious Weed List which includes incorporating plants currently located on the Class I Prohibited Aquatic Plants List cited in Rule 5B-64.011, F.A.C.

    SUMMARY: The proposed rules will change existing rules and policies by clarifying regulations pertaining to

    transporting and disposing noxious or prohibited aquatic plants; adding plants to the Noxious Weed List; updating who is authorized to recommend members to the Noxious Weed Invasive Plant List Review Committee; clarifying the form required to import Saccharum and Miscanthus species.


    The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A SERC has not been prepared by the Agency.

    Any person who wishes to provide information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs, or provide a proposal for a lower cost regulatory alternative must do so in writing within 21 days of this notice.

    RULEMAKING AUTHORITY: 369.25, 369.251, 570.07(23), 581.031(4), (5) FS.

    LAW IMPLEMENTED: 369.25, 369.251, 581.011(18), 581.031(4), (5), (6), (7), 581.083, 581.091 (4), 581.101 FS.



    147100 Gainesville, FL, (352)395-4627,




    5B-57.001 Definitions.

    (1) For the purpose of this rule chapter, the definitions in section 581.011, F.S., and following definitions shall apply:

    (a) through (h) No change.

    (i) Natural Dispersion. Movement of an aquatic plant by meteorological, biological, hydrological, or any other natural process.

    (i) through (m) reordered (j) through (n) No change.

    (o) Noxious Aquatic Plant. Defined in section 369.25 F.S.

    (n) through (p) reordered (p) through (r) No change.

    (s) Synonym. A scientific or common name, other than the approved name, which applies to the same plant.

    (q) reordered (t) No change.

    (2) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 581.031(4), (5) FS. Law Implemented 581.031(4), (5), (6), 581.083, 581.091 FS. History–New 7-27-93, Amended 4-18-04, Amended 10-1-06, 7-29-13, __________.


    5B-57.004 Introduction, Possession or Movement of Arthropods, Biological Control Agents, Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Invasive Plants, Regulated by the Department.

    (1) It is unlawful to introduce, multiply, possess, move, or release any arthropod, plant pest, biological control agent, noxious weed, or invasive plant regulated by the Department or the USDA except under permit issued by the Department unless a federal permit, PPQ 526, has been issued by the USDA with concurrence by the Department. No permit shall be issued nor concurrence with a federal permit, PPQ 526 made unless the Department has determined that the arthropod, plant pest, biological control agent, noxious weed, or invasive plant can be contained to prevent escape into the environment or that it will not pose a threat to agriculture, beneficial organisms, or the environment or become a public nuisance. If the possession of a plant listed in Rule 5B-57.007, F.A.C., has resulted from natural dispersion and there is neither danger of nor intent to further disperse the plant, then no permit is required. Any person transporting noxious or prohibited aquatic plants for disposal shall not be required to possess a permit pursuant to this chapter; however, disposal shall be carried out in such a manner that there is no further spread of the the plant species and no contamination of any waterbody of the state. In the case of biological control agents, they must be specialized to the target pest or pests. The Department’s evaluation of permit applications may rely on findings of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the USDA, the University of Florida, or any other State or Federal agency with expertise in these areas. In cases where there is inadequate information about the potential environmental impact of importing or releasing an organism, the Department will require the applicant to provide evidence that the accidental escape of organisms not intended for release would not be hazardous to Florida or U.S. agriculture, beneficial organisms, the public, or the environment and to provide contingency plans for containment should escape occur. The application procedures for permits are as follows:

    (2) through (5) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 581.031(4), (5) FS. Law Implemented 581.031(6), (7), 581.083, 581.091, 581.101 FS. History–New 7-27-93, Amended 6-20-00, 4-18-04, 7-29-13,_________.


    “Substantial rewording of Rule 5B-57.007 follows.  See Florida Administrative Code for present text.” 

    5B-57.007 Noxious Weed List.

    (1) The following plants shall be considered noxious for the purpose of this rule chapter.

    (a) Abrus precatorius – rosary pea

    (b) Aeginetia spp. – aeginetia

    (c) Ageratina adenophora – crofton weed

    (d) Alectra spp. – alectra

    (e) Alternanthera philoxeroides – alligatorweed, green lead plant

    (f) Alternanthera sessilis – sessile joyweed

    (g) Ardisia crenata – coral ardisia

    (h) Ardisia elliptica – shoebutton ardisia

    (i) Asphodelus fistulosus – onionweed

    (j) Avena sterilis –  animated oat, wild oat

    (k)  Borreria alata – broadleaf buttonweed

    (l) Carthamus oxyacantha – wild safflower

    (m) Casuarina cunninghamiana – river sheoak

    (n) Casuarina equisetifolia – Australian pine

    (o) Casuarina glauca – suckering Australian pine

    (p) Casuarina spp. – Australian Pine

    (q) Chrysopogon aciculatus – pilipiliula

    (r) Colubrina asiatica – latherleaf

    (s) Commelina benghalensis – benghal dayflower

    (t) Crassula helmsii - swamp stone crop

    (u) Crupina vulgaris – common crupina

    (v) Cupaniopsis anacardioides – carrotwood

    (w) Cuscuta spp. Only the native Florida species are excluded from this list. These include:

    1.  C. americana – American dodder

    2.  C. compacta – compact dodder

    3.  C. exaltata – tall dodder

    4.  C. gronovii – scaldweed

    5.  C. indecora – bigseed alfalfa dodder

    6.  C. obtusiflora – Peruvian dodder

    7.  C. pentagona – fiveangled dodder

    8.  C. umbellata – flatglobe dodder

    (x) Digitaria scalarum – African couchgrass, fingergrass

    (y) Digitaria velutina – velvet fingergrass, annual couchgrass

    (z) Dioscorea alata – winged yam

    (aa) Dioscorea bulbifera – air potato

    (bb) Dolichandra unguis-cati – cat’s claw vine

    (cc) Drymaria arenarioides – lightning weed

    (dd) Eichhornia spp. – waterhyacinth

    (ee) Emex australis – three-corner jack

    (ff) Emex spinosa – devil’s thorn

    (gg) Euphorbia prunifolia – painted euphorbia

    (hh) Galega officinalis – goat’s rue

    (ii) Heracleum mantegazzianum – giant hogweed

    (jj) Hydrilla verticillata – hydrilla, Florida elodea, stargrass, oxygen grass

    (kk) Imperata brasiliensis – Brazilian satintail

    (ll) Imperata cylindrica – cogongrass

    (mm) Ipomoea aquatica – water spinach

    (nn) Ipomoea fistulosa – bush morning glory

    (oo) Ipomoea triloba – little bell, aiea morning glory

    (pp) Ischaemum rugosum – murainograss

    (qq) Lagarosiphon spp. – African elodea

    (rr) Leptochloa chinensis – Asian sprangletop

    (ss) Leucaena leucocephala – lead tree

    (tt) Ligustrum sinense Chinese privet, except the cultivars ‘Variegatum’ and Sunshine’

    (uu) Limnocharis flava – Sawah flowing rush

    (vv) Lonicera japonica – Japanese honeysuckle

    (ww) Lycium ferocissimum – African boxthorn

    (xx) Lygodium japonicum – Japanese climbing fern

    (yy) Lygodium microphyllum – small-leaved climbing fern

    (zz) Lythrum salicaria – purple loosestrife

    (aaa) Melaleuca quinquenervia – melaleuca

    (bbb) Melastoma malabathricum – Indian rhododendron

    (ccc) Mikania cordata – mile-a-minute

    (ddd) Mikania micrantha – climbing hempweed

    (eee) Mimosa invisa – giant sensitive plant

    (fff) Mimosa pigra – catclaw mimosa

    (ggg) Monochoria hastata – arrow leaf false pickerelweed

    (hhh) Monochoria vaginalis – heartshape false pickerelweed

    (iii) Myriophyllum spicatum – Eurasian watermilfoil

    (jjj) Nassella trichotoma – serrated tussock

    (kkk) Nechamandra alternifolia – Indian oxygen-weed

    (lll) Neyraudia reynaudiana – burma reed

    (mmm) Nymphoides cristata crested floating heart

    (nnn) Nymphoides peltata yellow floating heart

    (ooo) Opuntia aurantiaca – jointed prickly pear

    (ppp) Orobanche spp. – broomrapes, with the exception of O. uniflora – oneflowered broomrape.

    (qqq) Oryza longistaminata – red rice

    (rrr) Oryza punctata – red rice

    (sss) Oryza rufipogon – wild red rice

    (ttt) Paederia cruddasiana – sewer-vine

    (uuu) Paederia foetida – skunk-vine

    (vvv) Paspalum scrobiculatum – kodomillet

    (www) Pennisetum clandestinum – kikuyu grass

    (xxx) Pennisetum macrourum – African feathergrass

    (yyy) Pennisetum pedicellatum – kyasuma grass

    (zzz) Pennisetum polystachyon – missiongrass, thin napiergrass

    (aaaa) Pontederia rotundifolia – tropical pickerelweed

    (bbbb) Prosopis spp. – mesquite

    (cccc) Pueraria montana – kudzu

    (dddd) Rhodomyrtus tomentosa – downy rosemyrtle

    (eeee) Rottboellia cochinchinensis – itchgrass

    (ffff) Rubus fruticosus – bramble blackberry

    (gggg) Rubus molluccanus – wild raspberry

    (hhhh) Saccharum spontaneum – wild sugarcane

    (iiii) Salsola vermiculata – wormleaf salsola

    (jjjj) Salvinia spp.(excluding S. minima – watermoss

    (kkkk) Sapium sebiferum – Chinese tallow tree

    (llll) Scaevola taccada – beach naupaka

    (mmmm) Schinus terebinthifolius – Brazilian pepper-tree

    (nnnn) Setaria pallidefusca – cattail grass

    (oooo) Solanum tampicense – wetland nightshade

    (pppp) Solanum torvum – turkeyberry

    (qqqq) Solanum viarum – tropical soda apple

    (rrrr) Sparganium erectum – exotic bur-reed

    (ssss) Stratiotes aloides – water-aloe, soldier-plant

    (tttt) Trapa spp. – water chestnut

    (uuuu) Tridax procumbens – coat buttons

    (vvvv) Urochloa panicoides – liverseed grass

    (wwww) Vitex rotundifolia – beach vitex

    (xxxx) Vossia cuspidata – hippo grass

    (2) Prohibited Aquatic Plants – These species are considered to be highly invasive and noxious in localized areas of the State of Florida. These plants may be cultured in a nursery regulated by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to Sections 581.031, 581.131 and 581.145, F.S., and shall only be sold out of state upon approval by the department. These species shall not be imported or collected from the wild. They must be contained in such a manner so as to prevent the dissemination from the nursery premises.

    (a) Hygrophila polysperma – hygro

    (b) Limnophila sessiliflora – ambulia

    (c) Pistia stratiotes - waterlettuce

    (3) The noxious weed list and the prohibited aquatic plant list comprises the most recent and accepted scientific and common names of the prohibited plant species. However, the prohibited status also applies to any synonyms.

    Rulemaking Authority 369.25, 369.251 FS. Law Implemented 369.25, 369.251 FS. History–New 8-11-86, Amended 6-13-93, Formerly 16C-52.011, 62C-52.011, Amended_______________.


    5B-57.010 Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Classification Procedures.

    (1) No change.

    (2) The Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant List contained in Rule 5B-57.007, F.A.C., shall be subject to review, at least biennially, by the Department in conjunction with the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida. The Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant List Review Committee appointed by the Department, in accordance with sections 581.091(4) and 570.0705, F.S., will conduct the review. All reviews will be conducted in accordance with section 120.525, F.S., which provides for public input. The Vice President for Agricultural and Natural Resources with the University of Florida will recommend two faculty members, one specializing in research on production agriculture and the other on natural resources, to the Department to serve on the committee. A representative from the Director’s Office, the Bureau of Plant and Apiary Inspection, and the Botany Section shall represent the Department. The Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant List Review Committee will make recommendations to the Department to add or remove plants from Rule 5B-57.007, F.A.C., based on the biological justification as described in subsection (1).

    Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 581.031(4), (5) FS. Law Implemented 581.011(18), 581.031(6), 581.091(4) FS. History–New 4-18-04, Amended 7-29-13, __________.


    5B-57.011 Non-Native Species Planting Permits.

    (1) through (4) No change.

    (5) A Non-Native Species Planting Permit, FDACS 08382 (Rev. 01/13), is not required if the Department, after consultation with the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), determines, based on experience or research data, that the non-native species does not pose a threat of becoming an invasive species or pest of plants or native fauna under Florida conditions. The following are specifically exempted from the requirements of this rule:

    (a) through (q) No change.

    Note: With the exception of Miscanthus giganteus, importation of Saccharum and Miscanthus species requires an Application for Special Permit to Import Sugar Cane, FDACS-08083, revised 9/16, incorporated by reference in Non-Native Species Permit in accordance with Rule 5B-3.003, F.A.C.

    (6) No change.

    Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 581.031(4), (5) FS. Law Implemented 581.031(4), (5), (6), 581.083, 581.091 FS. History–New 10-1-06, Amended 9-24-08, 7-29-13, 7-21-14, _____________.


    NAME OF PERSON ORIGINATING PROPOSED RULE: Division Director Dr. Trevor Smith

    NAME OF AGENCY HEAD WHO APPROVED THE PROPOSED RULE: Commissioner of Agriculture Nicole Fried



Document Information

Comments Open:
The proposed rules will change existing rules and policies by clarifying regulations pertaining to transporting and disposing noxious or prohibited aquatic plants; adding plants to the Noxious Weed List; updating who is authorized to recommend members to the Noxious Weed Invasive Plant List Review Committee; clarifying the form required to import Saccharum and Miscanthus species.
The proposed rules are being developed to clarify regulatory requirements and to make edits to the Noxious Weed List which includes incorporating plants currently located on the Class I Prohibited Aquatic Plants List cited in Rule 5B-64.011.
Rulemaking Authority:
369.25, 369.251, 570.07(23), 581.031(4), (5) FS.
369.25, 369.251, 581.011(18), 581.031(4), (5), (6), (7), 581.083, 581.091 (4), 581.101 FS.
Dr. Greg Hodges, P.O. Box 147100 Gainesville, FL, (352) 395-4627,
Related Rules: (5)
5B-57.001. Definitions
5B-57.004. Introduction, Possession or Movement of Arthropods, Biological Control Agents, Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Invasive Plants, Regulated by the Department
5B-57.007. Noxious Weed List
5B-57.010. Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Classification Procedures
5B-57.011. Biomass Plantings