Appraisal Management Company Registration Renewal  



    61-6.043                            Renewal Process for Appraisal Management Company


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with Section 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 39, No. 82, April 26, 2013, issue of the Florida Administrative Register.


    61-6.043 Renewal Process for Appraisal Management Company.

    (1) Each registration of an appraisal management company shall be renewed on a biennial basis. The schedule for biennial renewal shall be as established in subsection Rule 61-6.001(4), F.A.C.

    (2) When the total period of inactive status exceeds 4 years, the registration shall automatically expire per Section 475.619(2), F.S. and the appraisal managment company must meet all the requirements for initial registration. If automatic expiration has occurred pursuant to Section 475.619(2), F.S., the appraisal management company shall be required to meet all requirements for initial licensure.  Two years prior to the expiration, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall give notice by mail to the last known address of the registrant. 

    (3) Inactive Registration.

    (a) At any time after obtaining registration as an appraisal managment company, the registrant may request inactive status by submitting Form DBPR FREAB-2, “Appraisal Management Company – Maintenance”, effective April 2012, adopted and incorporated herein, which may be found at or at __________________. The fee to change licensure status is found in Rule 61J1-2.001, F.A.C.

    (b) An appraisal managment company, whose registration is designated inactive pursuant to subsection (1), (2) or (3) above, may request an active registration on DBPR FREAB-2, “Appraisal Management Company – Maintenance”, effective April 2012. The fee to change licensure status is found in Rule 61J1-2.001, F.A.C.

    (4) Refund of Application and Licensure Fees.

    Upon written request, a refund of fees will be made under the following circumstances and in the following amounts:

    (a) The Board shall refund to the applicant any portion of the application fee not expended in processing the application. The application shall be considered void upon payment of the refunded amount.

    (b) Any fees accepted or collected in error or in excess of that required shall be refunded.

    (4) Current biennial renewal fees specified in subsection 61J1-2.001(2), F.A.C. and late fees set forth in subsection 61J1-2.001(6), F.A.C., shall be collected for each period of inactivity through the elected or automatic inactive date.

    Rulemaking Authority 455.271(3), 475.619(2), 475.6147, 475.6235(7)(8) FS. Law Implemented 455.271(3), 475.619(2), 475.6147, 475.6235(7)(8) FS. History–New __________.