Radiography Training for Dental Assistants  



    Board of Dentistry


    64B5-9.011Radiography Training for Dental Assistants


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 47 No. 51, March 16, 2021 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.

    The change is in response to written comments submitted by the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee and discussion and subsequent vote by the Board at the public telephonic meeting held May 21, 2021.

    The following changes have been made to incorporated form DH-MQA 1202:


    On page 1, (now located on page 3 of the revised form), the reference to Rule 64B5-9.011 has been amended to read, “Rule Chapter 64B5-9. Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)”


    On page 4, #3. A. & B. (now located on page 5 of the revised form), have been amended to read:

    “A. Have you had three months continuous on the job training assisting in positioning sensors and positioning and exposing of radiographs under the direct supervision of a Florida-licensed dentist? Yes               No

    Dates of training: From:_______________     To:_______________

    (MM/DD/YYYY)           (MM/DD/YYYY)

    B. After completion of on-the-job-training, did you successfully complete a Board of  Dentistry approved course within 12 months after completion of the training? Yes                                           No             


    On page 9, #9, the line above the applicant’s signature has been amended to read: “I hereby acknowledge and state that I have received, read and understood ch. 466, F.S., ch. 456, F.S. and Ch 64B5, F.A.C., and acknowledge that I must abide by them.


    THE PERSON TO BE CONTACTED REGARDING THE PROPOSED RULE IS: Jessica Sapp, Executive Director, Board of Dentistry, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C08, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3258.