Inmate Grievances - Reprisal  



    33-103.017: Inmate Grievances - Reprisal


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 33, No. 31, August 3, 2007 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    33-103.017 Inmate Grievances – Reprisal.

    (1) Inmates shall be allowed access to the grievance process without hindrance. Staff found to be obstructing an inmate’s access to the grievance process shall be subject to disciplinary action ranging from oral reprimand up to dismissal in accordance with Rules 33-208.001-.003, F.A.C. Good faith use of or good faith participation in the grievance process shall not result in reprisal against the inmate.

    (2) An inmate shall be subject to disciplinary action if the inmate knowingly includes false, threatening, obscene, or profane statements in the grievance or any of its attachments. In this instance the inmate shall be subject to administrative action in accordance with the provisions of Rules 33-601.301-601.314, F.A.C., or criminal prosecution. Notwithstanding administrative or criminal proceedings, the grievance shall be responded to on its merits.

    Specific Authority 944.09 FS. Law Implemented 944.09 FS. History– New 10-12-89, Amended 12-22-92, 4-10-95, Formerly 33-29.016, Amended 10-11-00, 2-9-05,__________.

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Related Rules: (1)
33-103.017. Inmate Grievances - Reprisal