Section 14 of Chapter 2016-220, Laws of Florida (L.O.F.), modified the way “adjusted federal income” is defined and calculated for Florida Corporate Income Tax purposes. The purpose of changes to Rule 12C-1.013, F.A.C., is to provide guidance to ...  

Document Information

The subject areas of the rule development workshop are the changes to Rules 12C-1.013, 12C-1.0222, and 12C-1.034, F.A.C., and the proposed changes to forms incorporated in Rule 12C-1.051, F.A.C., which are used by the Department in the administration of the corporate income tax.
Section 14 of Chapter 2016-220, Laws of Florida (L.O.F.), modified the way “adjusted federal income” is defined and calculated for Florida Corporate Income Tax purposes. The purpose of changes to Rule 12C-1.013, F.A.C., is to provide guidance to taxpayers on how adjusted federal income should now be calculated, particularly with respect to adjustments related to certain depreciation. The changes also remove obsolete provisions related to earlier tax years. Sections 16 through 19 of Chapter ...
Rulemaking Authority:
213.06(1), 220.192(7), 220.193(4), 220.196(4), 220.24, 220.32(2), 220.34(2)(f), 220.34(3), 220.51, 1002.395(13), FS., Section 3, Chapter 2009-192, L.O.F.
119.071(5), 212.08(5)(p), 213.21, 213.755(1), 220.02(3), 220.03(5), 220.11, 220.12, 220.13, 220.131, 220.15, 220.16, 220.181, 220.182, 220.183, 220.184, 220.1845, 220.185, 220.186, 220.1875, 220.1895, 220.1896, 220.1899, 220.191, 220.192, 220.193, 220.194, 220.195, 220.196, 220.21, 220.211, 220.22, 220.221, 220.222, 220.23, 220.24, 220.241, 220.31, 220.32, 220.33, 220.34, 220.41, 220.42, 220.43, 220.44, 220.51, 220.721, 220.723, 220.725, 220.737, 220.801, 220.803, 220.805, 220.807, 220.809, 221....
Kimberly Berg, Technical Assistance and Dispute Resolution, Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 7443, Tallahassee, Florida 32314-7443, telephone (850) 717-7082.
Related Rules: (4)
12C-1.013. Adjusted Federal Income Defined
12C-1.0222. Returns; Extensions of Time; Payments of Tentative Tax
12C-1.034. Special Rules Relating to Estimated Tax
12C-1.051. Forms