12. Department of Revenue

 12C-1.01. Explanation Of Rules
 12C-1.001. Explanation Of Rules
 12C-1.002. Declaration Of Intent
 12C-1.003. Definitions
 12C-1.03. Definitions
 12C-1.011. Tax Imposed
 12C-1.11. Tax Imposed
 12C-1.12. Net Income Defined
 12C-1.012. Net Income Defined
 12C-1.013. Adjusted Federal Income Defined
 12C-1.13. Adjusted Federal Income Defined
 12C-1.15. Apportionment Of Adjusted Federal Income
 12C-1.015. Apportionment Of Adjusted Federal Income
 12C-1.016. Business/Nonbusiness Income
 12C-1.021. Recordkeeping Requirements
 12C-1.22. Division Of Audit
 12C-1.022. Returns; Filing Requirement
 12C-1.023. Federal Returns
 12C-1.024. Declaration Of Estimated Tax
 12C-1.24. Declaration Of Estimated Tax
 12C-1.032. Payments Of Tentative Tax
 12C-1.033. Payments Of Estimated Tax
 12C-1.034. Special Rules Relating To Estimated Tax
 12C-1.34. Special Rules Relating To Estimated Tax
 12C-1.042. Methods Of Accounting
 12C-1.044. Adjustments To Income
 12C-1.051. Forms
 12C-1.51. Public Use Forms
 12C-1.053. Adoption Of Chapter 214
 12C-1.068. Intangible Tax Credit; Additional Tax Due
 12C-1.131. Adjusted Federal Income; Affiliated Groups
 12C-1.0131. Adjusted Federal Income; Affiliated Groups
 12C-1.0135. Unitary Business Groups; Special Requirements
 12C-1.135. Unitary Business Groups; Special Requirements
 12C-1.0151. Apportionment For Special Industries
 12C-1.0152. Other Methods Of Apportionment
 12C-1.0153. Property Factor For Apportionment
 12C-1.0154. Payroll Factor For Apportionment
 12C-1.0155. Sales Factor For Apportionment
 12C-1.0181. Enterprise Zone Jobs Credit
 12C-1.181. Enterprise Zone Jobs Credit
 12C-1.182. Enterprise Zone Property Tax Credit
 12C-1.0182. Enterprise Zone Property Tax Credit
 12C-1.0183. Community Contribution Tax Credit
 12C-1.183. Community Contribution Tax Credit
 12C-1.0186. Credit For Florida Alternative Minimum Tax
 12C-1.0187. Credits For Contributions To Nonprofit Scholarship Funding Organizations
 12C-1.0188. Enterprise Zone Program
 12C-1.0191. Capital Investment Tax Credit Program
 12C-1.0192. Renewable Energy Technologies Investment Tax Credit
 12C-1.0193. Florida Renewable Energy Production Credit
 12C-1.0194. Corporate Income Tax Credit For Spaceflight Projects
 12C-1.0196. Research And Development Tax Credit
 12C-1.0211. Penalty For Incomplete Return
 12C-1.0221. Returns, Notices, And Elections; Signing And Verification
 12C-1.221. Returns, Notices, And Elections; Signing And Verification
 12C-1.222. Returns; Time And Place For Filing
 12C-1.0222. Returns; Extensions Of Time; Payments Of Tentative Tax
 12C-1.0241. Declaration; Time For Filing
 12C-1.311. Protest And Appeals Opportunities
 12C-1.318. Rules For Recognition Of Taxpayers And Their Representatives
 12C-1.321. Confidentiality And Information Sharing
 12C-1.322. Amounts Less Than One Dollar
 12C-1.343. Interest Computations
 12C-1.0511. Incorporation By Reference
 12C-2.001. Definitions
 12C-2.002. Property Subject To Tax - Annual And Nonrecurring
 12C-2.003. Exemptions
 12C-2.004. Property Subject To Tax - Governmental Leasehold Estates And Nonrecurring
 12C-2.005. Reporting Requirements - Due Date - Payment Of Tax - Discounts Allowed
 12C-2.006. Taxable Situs - Reporting Requirements - Who Shall File A Return
 12C-2.007. Penalties And Interest
 12C-2.008. Information Reports
 12C-2.009. Assessment Procedures
 12C-2.010. Valuations
 12C-2.10. Of Revenue
 12C-2.11. Of Revenue
 12C-2.011. Administration
 12C-2.012. Refunds
 12C-2.0061. Transfer Of Intangible Personal Property To Certain Out-Of-State Entities
 12C-2.0062. Management Or Control
 12C-2.0063. Intangible Personal Property Held In Trusts
 12C-2.0075. Amnesty Program
 12C-2.0105. Tax Credits
 12C-2.0115. Public Use Forms
 12C-3.001. When Return Is To Be Filed And Basis For The Tax
 12C-3.002. Jointly Owned Property
 12C-3.003. Calculation Of Tax Upon Resident Decedent Estates
 12C-3.004. Calculation Of Tax Upon Nonresident Decedent Estates
 12C-3.005. Calculation Of Tax Upon Alien Decedent Estates
 12C-3.006. Information Confidential
 12C-3.007. Interest On Overpayment Of Taxes
 12C-3.008. Public Use Forms
 12C-3.009. Penalties And Interest
 12C-3.010. Final Certificate And Nontaxable Certificate Mailing Procedure
 12C-3.011. Tax On Generation-Skipping Transfers
 12C-3.012. Releases
 12C-3.013. Protest Procedures
 12C-3.0015. Affidavit - No Florida Estate Tax
 12C-3.0025. Jointly Owned Property
 12C-3.0035. Calculation Of Tax Upon Resident Decedent Estates
 12C-3.0045. Calculation Of Tax Upon Nonresident Decedent Estates
 12C-3.0055. Calculation Of Tax Upon Nonresident Alien Decedent Estates
 12C-4.001. Scope Of Rules
 12C-4.01. Scope Of Rules
 12C-4.02. Definitions
 12C-4.002. Definitions
 12C-4.003. Tax Base And Rate
 12C-4.03. Tax Base And Rate
 12C-4.04. Who Must File
 12C-4.004. Who Must File
 12C-4.005. Returns, Due Dates, Time And Place For Filing
 12C-4.05. Returns, Due Dates, Time And Place For Filing
 12C-4.06. Credit Against Corporate Income Tax
 12C-4.006. Credit Against Tax
 12C-4.007. Required Forms
 12C-4.07. Required Forms
 12C-4.10. Public Use Forms
 12C-4.010. Public Use Forms