21. Department of Professional Regulation

 21C-1.14. Barbers' Board
 21C-2.02. Barbers' Board
 21C-4.01. Of Professional Regulation, Barbers' Board
 21C-6.11. Probable Cause Determination
 21C-10.01. The Commission
 21C-10.02. Members Of Commission
 21C-10.03. Meetings Of Commission
 21C-10.04. Procedure
 21C-10.05. Rules Establishing Sanitary, Sterilization, Or Chemical Standards
 21C-15.02. Composition
 21C-15.003. Quorum
 21C-15.03. Quorum
 21C-15.0015. Notice Of Non-Compliance
 21C-15.016. Time For Payment Of Civil Penalties
 21C-15.017. Board Member Compensation
 21C-15.17. Board Member Compensation
 21C-15.18. Investigators And Investigative Consultants, Criteria For Selection
 21C-15.19. Examiners In Practical Examinations; Criteria For Selection
 21C-15.019. Examiners In Practical Examinations; Criteria For Selection
 21C-15.20. Security And Monitoring Procedures For Licensure Examination
 21C-15.21. Final Orders
 21C-15.021. Final Orders
 21C-15.22. Designation Of Official Reporter
 21C-15.23. Conducting Meetings, Hearings, And Workshops By Communications Media Technology
 21C-15.024. Unexcused Absences
 21C-15.0165. Reconsideration Of Penalty
 21C-15.0215. Motion For Reconsideration
 21C-16.01. Examination For Licensure
 21C-16.001. Examination For Icensure
 21C-16.002. Reexamination
 21C-16.02. Reexamination
 21C-16.003. Examination Review Procedure
 21C-16.04. Reader
 21C-16.05. Endorsement
 21C-16.005. Endorsement
 21C-16.006. Restricted Barber License
 21C-16.007. Examination For Restricted Licensure
 21C-16.008. Manner Of Application
 21C-16.009. Requirement For Instruction On Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Hiv) And Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids)
 21C-16.0041. Foreign Language Examination
 21C-17.01. Definitions
 21C-17.02. Restoration Of Retired Licenses
 21C-18.001. -- -- -- -- Biennial Renewal Of Barber License
 21C-18.03. Exemption From Licensure Renewal Provisions
 21C-18.003. Exemption From Licensure Renewal Provisions
 21C-19.01. Barbershop Registration
 21C-19.02. Transfer Of Location Or Ownership Of Barbershop
 21C-19.03. Biennial Renewal Of Barbershop Registration Requirements
 21C-19.04. Barber Assistant Registration Requirements
 21C-19.05. Barber Assistant Registration Issuance
 21C-19.06. Transfer Of Barber Assistants
 21C-19.07. Barber Assistant Registration Biennial Renewal
 21C-19.007. Barber Assistant Registration Biennial Renewal
 21C-19.008. Barbershop Defined
 21C-19.009. Display Of License
 21C-19.010. Performance Of Barber Services Outside Of Licensed Shop
 21C-19.011. Barbershop Requirements
 21C-19.012. Posting Of Sanitation, Health, And Safety Rules Required
 21C-19.013. Transfer Of Location Or Ownership Of Barbershop
 21C-19.014. Biennial Renewal Of Barbership Registration
 21C-19.015. Inspections
 21C-19.016. Communicable Disease
 21C-19.0135. Transferring Of A Barbershop License To A New Location
 21C-20.002. Application Fee For Licensing Through Examination Or Endorsement
 21C-20.02. Application Fee For Licensure Through Examination Or Endorsement
 21C-20.003. Barbershop Licensure Application Fee
 21C-20.03. Barbershop Licensure Application Fee
 21C-20.04. Change Of Barbershop Ownership
 21C-20.05. Barber Assistant Registration Fee
 21C-20.06. Transfer Of Barber Assistant Fee
 21C-20.07. Reexamination Fee
 21C-20.007. Reexamination Fee
 21C-20.08. Restoration Of Retired License Fee
 21C-20.09. Barber License Biennial Renewal Fee
 21C-20.009. Barber License Biennial Renewal Fee
 21C-20.10. Biennial Barbershop Licensure Renewal Fee
 21C-20.010. Biennial Barbershop Licensure Renewal Fee
 21C-20.012. Duplicate License Or Registration Fee
 21C-20.13. Late Renewal Penalty Fee
 21C-20.14. Original Barber Licensing Fee
 21C-20.014. Original Barber Licensing Fee
 21C-20.15. Renewal Of Inactive License Fee
 21C-20.16. Reactivation Of Inactive License Fee
 21C-20.016. Reactiviation Of Inactive License Fee
 21C-20.017. - - - - Barbering Instructor Application Fee
 21C-20.17. Barbering Instructor Application Fee
 21C-20.18. Barbering Instructor Original Licensing Fee
 21C-20.018. Barbering Instructor Original Licensing Fee
 21C-20.019. Barbering Instructor License Biennial Renewal Fee
 21C-20.19. Barbering Instructor License Biennial Renewal Fee
 21C-20.20. Barbering Instructor Delinquent Renewal Fee
 21C-20.020. Barbering Instructor Delinquent Renewal Fee
 21C-20.021. Barbering School Application Fee
 21C-20.21. Barbering School Application Fee
 21C-20.22. Barbering School Original Licensing Fee
 21C-20.022. Barbering School Original Licensing Fee
 21C-20.023. Barbering School License Biennial Renewal Fee
 21C-20.23. Barbering School License Biennial Renewal Fee
 21C-20.24. Barbering School Delinquent Renewal Fee
 21C-20.024. Barbering School License Delinquent Renewal Fee
 21C-20.025. Unauthorized Practice Fee
 21C-20.035. Original Barbershop Licensure Fee
 21C-20.0075. - - - Examination Review Fee
 21C-20.0105. Barbershop Delinquent Renewal Fee
 21C-20.105. Barbershop Delinquent Renewal Fee
 21C-21.001. Normal Penalty Ranges
 21C-21.002. Aggravating And Mitigating Circumstances
 21C-21.003. Repeat Violations
 21C-21.004. Penalties Cumulative And Consecutive
 21C-21.005. Mitigation; Notice Of Mitigation And Aggravation
 21C-21.006. Probation
 21C-21.007. Stipulations
 21C-21.008. Installment Payment Of Fines
 21C-21.009. Citations
 21C-21.010. Revocation
 21C-22.01. Sanitation, Health And Safety Requirements
 21C-22.02. Posting Of Sanitation, Health And Safety Rules Required
 21C-23.001. Inspections
 21C-23.01. Inspections
 21C-24.001. Display Of License
 21C-24.01. Display Of License
 21C-24.02. Performance Of Barber Services Outside A Licensed Shop
 21C-25.01. Definitions
 21C-25.02. Reactivation Of Inactive License
 21C-25.03. Renewal Of Inactive License
 21C-26.001. School Application
 21C-26.01. School Application
 21C-26.03. License Valid Only For Location Named Therein
 21C-26.003. License Valid Only For Location Named Therein
 21C-26.005. Teaching And Instructing Staff
 21C-26.05. Teaching And Instructing Staff
 21C-26.07. Curriculum
 21C-26.007. Curriculum
 21C-26.11. Display Of Documents
 21C-26.011. Display Of Documents
 21C-26.013. Equipment
 21C-26.13. Equipment
 21C-26.15. Schools Not To Be Conducted In Same Licensed Space Allocation With Another Business
 21C-26.015. Schools Not To Be Conducted In Same Licensed Space Allocation With Another Business
 21C-26.017. Compensation For Students
 21C-26.17. Compensation For Students
 21C-26.19. Student Activities In The Barbering Program
 21C-26.019. Student Activities In The Barbering Program
 21C-26.021. Student-School Contract
 21C-26.21. Student-School Contract
 21C-26.23. Private School Catalogs
 21C-26.023. Private School Catalogs
 21C-26.25. Transfer Procedures
 21C-26.27. Records
 21C-26.027. Records
 21C-26.029. Inspections
 21C-26.29. Inspections
 21C-26.31. School Closings
 21C-26.031. School Closings
 21C-26.033. Barbering School License Renewal
 21C-26.33. Barbering School License Renewal
 21C-26.35. Communicable Disease
 21C-26.035. Commmunicable Disease
 21C-26.037. School Requirements
 21C-26.37. School Requirements
 21C-27.001. Who May Apply
 21C-27.01. Who May Apply
 21C-27.02. Instructor Training
 21C-27.002. Instructor Training
 21C-27.003. Manner Of Application
 21C-27.03. Manner Of Application
 21C-27.04. Examination
 21C-27.004. Examination
 21C-27.005. Reexamination
 21C-27.05. Reexamination
 21C-27.06. Barbering Instructor License Renewal
 21C-27.006. Barbering Instructor License Renewal