21. Department of Professional Regulation

 21S-1.01. Prescription Area Accessible To Inspection
 21S-1.08. Right To Inspect Invoices
 21S-1.10. Pharmacy Equipment
 21S-1.010. Pharmacy Equipment
 21S-1.13. Labels And Labeling Of Legend Drugs - Location
 21S-1.013. Labels And Labeling Of Legend Drugs -- Location
 21S-1.014. - - - - Prescription Department; Padlock; Sign; "Prescription Department Closed"; Night Drop Box
 21S-1.20. Conduct Governing Registered Pharmacist And Pharmacy Permittees
 21S-1.21. Pharmacy Interns; Registration, Employment
 21S-1.021. - - - Pharmacy Interns; Registration; Employment
 21S-1.22. Requirements For An Internship Program Sufficient To Qualify An Applicant For Licensure By Examination
 21S-1.24. Prescription Department; Regulation Of Daily Operating Hours
 21S-1.024. - - - Prescription Department; Regulation Of Daily Operating Hours
 21S-1.26. Consultant Pharmacist Registration
 21S-1.031. - - - Foreign Graduates; Qualification Program And Examinations
 21S-1.37. Modified Class Ii Institutional Pharmacies
 21S-1.037. Modified Class Ii Institutional Pharmacies
 21S-1.38. Data Processing Systems In Pharmacy
 21S-1.39. Special Pharmacies
 21S-1.40. Parenteral/Enteral Compounding
 21S-1.040. Parenteral/Enteral Compounding
 21S-1.44. Location Of Legend And Potent Drugs
 21S-3.001. Definitions
 21S-3.01. Of Pharmacy
 21S-3.02. Of Pharmacy
 21S-3.002. Pharmacy Environment
 21S-3.003. General Requirements
 21S-3.03. Of Pharmacy
 21S-3.04. Of Pharmacy
 21S-3.004. Minimum Requirements For Space Equipment, Supplies And Publications
 21S-3.005. Training Qualifications
 21S-3.05. Training Qualifications
 21S-3.06. Of Pharmacy
 21S-4.01. Board Of Pharmacy
 21S-4.02. Supportive Personnel
 21S-4.002. Pharmacy Technician 1:1 Ratio
 21S-4.003. Responsibilities Of The Pharmacist
 21S-4.03. Board Of Pharmacy
 21S-4.04. Board Of Pharmacy
 21S-4.004. Policies And Procedures
 21S-4.05. Board Of Pharmacy
 21S-4.06. Board Of Pharmacy
 21S-4.0025. Pharmacy Technicial 2:1 Ratio
 21S-5.001. - - - - Negative Drug Formulary
 21S-5.01. Negative Drug Formulary
 21S-5.02. Board Of Pharmacy
 21S-5.03. Board Of Pharmacy
 21S-6.001. Expiration Of Certificates
 21S-6.002. Odd Numbered Registrations
 21S-6.003. Even Numbered Registration Certificates
 21S-6.004. Pharmacists Newly Licensed
 21S-6.005. Fees And License Renewal Application
 21S-6.006. Inactive License Renewal
 21S-6.007. Continuing Education Credits
 21S-6.08. Consultant Pharmacist Certificates
 21S-6.09. Exemptions For Members Of The Armed Forces
 21S-6.10. Consultant Pharmacists Initial Registra- Tion Fee And Renewal Fee
 21S-6.011. Nuclear Pharmacists Initial Registration Fee And Renewal Fee
 21S-8.06. General Information
 21S-8.09. Investigators; Criteria For Selection
 21S-10.05. Meetings And Workshops
 21S-11.001. Fees
 21S-11.01. Fees
 21S-12.001. Examination Requirements
 21S-12.01. Examination Requirements
 21S-12.02. Reexamination
 21S-12.002. Reexamination
 21S-12.003. - - - - - Scope And Purpose
 21S-12.03. Examination Review Procedure
 21S-12.05. Security And Monitoring Of The Examinations
 21S-12.06. Requirements For Foreign Pharmacy Graduates To Be Admitted To The Pharmacist Licensure Examination
 21S-12.006. - - - Requirements For Foreign Pharmacy Graduates To Be Admitted To The Pharmacist Licensure Examination
 21S-13.01. Continuing Education Committee
 21S-13.02. Standards For Approval Of Courses
 21S-13.03. Recommendation By The Committee Of Approval
 21S-13.004. - - - Reporting Continuing Education Requirements
 21S-13.005. Supporting Documentation Of Participation
 21S-13.006. Board Retention Of Documentation
 21S-13.08. Renewals
 21S-14.001. Definition
 21S-14.002. General Requirements
 21S-14.003. Drug Requirement
 21S-14.004. Records
 21S-14.005. Storage
 21S-15.02. 03, Florida Statutes
 21S-16.01. Definitions
 21S-17.001. Disciplinary Guidelines; Range Of Penalties; Aggravating And Mitigating Circumstances
 21S-17.002. Minor Violations
 21S-18.001. Purpose And Effect
 21S-18.002. General Terms And Conditions To Be Followed By A Pharmacist When Ordering And Dispensing Approved Medicinal Drug Products
 21S-18.003. Medicinal Drugs Which May Be Ordered By Pharmacists
 21S-18.004. Fluoride Containing Products
 21S-19.001. Class I Institutional Pharmacies -- Nursing Homes
 21S-19.002. Class Ii Institutional Pharmacies -- Hospitals
 21S-19.003. Community Pharmacies
 21S-19.004. All Other Pharmacy Permittees
 21S-19.005. Methods Of Destruction
 21S-20.001. Transfer Of Medicinal Drugs Without A Prescription
 21S-21.001. - - - - Rebates Prohibited; Violations Defined
 21S-21.002. Standard For Administrative Discounts; Presumptions Of Improper Kickback Referral Or Commission, Etc
 21S-25.130. General Description Of Agency
 21S-25.150. General Information
 21S-25.180. Investigators; Criteria For Section
 21S-25.340. Meetings And Workshops
 21S-26.100. Pharmacists Newly Licensed
 21S-26.101. Fees And License Renewal Application
 21S-26.102. Inactive License Renewal
 21S-26.103. - - - Continuing Education Credits
 21S-26.104. Exemptions For Members Of The Armed Forces
 21S-26.200. Examinatin Requirement
 21S-26.203. Manner Of Application
 21S-26.204. Security And Monitoring Of The Examination
 21S-26.205. Requirements For Foreign Pharmacy Graduates To Be Admitted To The Pharmacist Licensure Examination
 21S-26.300. Consultant Pharmacist Registration
 21S-26.301. Suggested Subject Matter For Consultant Pharmacist Training Program
 21S-26.302. Subject Matter For Consultant Pharmacist Recertification Programs
 21S-26.400. Pharmacy Interns; Registration; Employment
 21S-26.401. Requirements For An Internship Program
 21S-26.500. Examination Fees
 21S-26.601. Standards For Approval Of Courses
 21S-26.606. Number Of Required Hours
 21S-27.100. - - - - Display Of Wall Certificate And Renewal Certificates
 21S-27.101. Counterfeit Drugs
 21S-27.104. Conduct Governing Registered Pharmacists And Pharmacy Permittees
 21S-27.105. Transfer Of Prescriptions
 21S-27.106. Pharmacist'S Duty To Consult
 21S-27.220. Medicinal Drugs Which May Be Ordered By Pharmacists
 21S-27.400. Practice Of Pharmacy
 21S-27.410. Pharmacy Technician 1:1 Ratio
 21S-27.420. Pharmacy Technician 2:1 Ratio
 21S-27.440. Policies And Procedures
 21S-27.500. Negative Drug Formulary
 21S-27.700. Definition Of Compounding
 21S-27.800. Requirement For Patient Records
 21S-27.810. Prospective Drug Use Review
 21S-27.820. Patient Counseling
 21S-28.101. - - Prescription Area Accessible To Inspection
 21S-28.105. Sanitation
 21S-28.107. Pharmacy Equipment
 21S-28.108. Labels And Labeling Of Legend Drugs-All Permits
 21S-28.109. "
 21S-28.112. Violations
 21S-28.114. Prescription Refills
 21S-28.118. Unit Dose Returns By In-Patients
 21S-28.119. Data Processing Systems In Pharmacy
 21S-28.120. Location Of Legend Drugs
 21S-28.121. Permit Fees
 21S-28.201. Definitions
 21S-28.202. Transfer Of Prescription Files
 21S-28.301. Class I Institutional Pharmacies - Nursing Homes
 21S-28.302. Class Ii Institutional Pharmacies - Hospitals
 21S-28.303. Community Pharmacies
 21S-28.304. Other Pharmacy Permittees
 21S-28.402. Community Pharmacy Permit
 21S-28.404. Regulation Of Daily Operating Hours
 21S-28.502. Labels And Labeling Of Medicinal Drugs Institutional Permit I
 21S-28.602. Class Ii Institutional Dispensing
 21S-28.603. Class Ii Institutional Pharmacy Operating Hours
 21S-28.702. Modified Class Ii Institutional Pharmacies
 21S-28.800. - - - Special Pharmacies
 21S-28.810. Special-Limited Community Permit
 21S-28.820. Special Parenteral/Enteral Compounding
 21S-28.830. Special-Closed System Pharmacy
 21S-28.840. Special - Non Resident (Mail Service)
 21S-28.900. Definitions
 21S-28.902. Minimum Requirements For Space Equipment, Supplies And Publications
 21S-28.903. Training Qualifications
 21S-28.904. Nuclear Pharmacist - Continuing Education
 21S-29.002. General Requirements
 21S-30.003. - - - - Citations
 21SS-5.015. Reapplication