D33. Departmental
33-601.302. Inmate Discipline -- Terminology And Definitions

Start Date
Review Days
Lastest Event
Lastest Event Date
Start Date 11/22/2006
Review Days 47 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 01/08/2007
Start Date 05/26/2006
Review Days 40 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 07/05/2006
Start Date 07/23/2004
Review Days 35 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 08/27/2004
Start Date 11/17/2000
Review Days 66 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 01/22/2001
Start Date 03/24/2000
Review Days 38 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 05/01/2000