59. Agency for Health Care Administration
59g-4.050. Community Behavioral Health Services

Start Date
Review Days
Lastest Event
Lastest Event Date
Start Date 10/17/2013
Review Days 127 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 02/21/2014
Start Date 10/01/2004
Review Days 90 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 12/30/2004
Start Date 07/14/2000
Review Days 103 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 10/25/2000
Start Date 05/08/1998
Review Days 116 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 09/01/1998