D67. Departmental
67-32.007. Scoring, Ranking, And Funding Guidelines

Start Date
Review Days
Lastest Event
Lastest Event Date
Start Date 08/12/2014
Review Days 37 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 09/18/2014
Start Date 11/09/2007
Review Days 49 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 12/28/2007
Start Date 10/21/2005
Review Days 77 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 01/06/2006
Start Date 10/22/2004
Review Days 97 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 01/27/2005
Start Date 03/07/2003
Review Days 39 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 04/15/2003
Start Date 12/14/2001
Review Days 73 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 02/25/2002
Start Date 09/01/2000
Review Days 101 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 12/11/2000
Start Date 09/03/1999
Review Days 101 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 12/13/1999
Start Date 07/10/1998
Review Days 102 Days
Lastest Event Filed for Adoption with Dept of State
Lastest Event Date 10/20/1998