73. Department of Economic Opportunity

 73C-1.001. Definitions And Forms
 73C-1.002. Application Process
 73C-1.003. Program Implementation
 73C-22.002. Definitions
 73C-22.004. Distribution Of Funds
 73C-22.005. Subgrantees
 73C-22.006. Policy Advisory Council
 73C-22.007. Minimum Program Requirements And Policies
 73C-22.008. Allowable Expenditures
 73C-22.011. Standards And Techniques For Weatherization
 73C-22.013. Monitoring, Training And Technical Assistance
 73C-22.014. Required Records And Reports
 73C-22.015. Weatherization Contracts And Amendments
 73C-23.0030. Authority; Incorporation
 73C-23.0031. Definitions
 73C-23.0035. Eligibility
 73C-23.0041. Application Process
 73C-23.0045. Specific Requirements For Neighborhood Revitalization, Commercial Revitalization And Housing Rehabilitation
 73C-23.0048. Specific Requirements For Economic Development
 73C-23.0049. Funding For Special Economic Development Projects
 73C-23.0051. Grant Administration And Project Implementation
 73C-23.0061. Emergency Set-Aside Assistance
 73C-23.0071. Section 108 Loans
 73C-23.0081. Nonrecurring Cdbg Funding
 73C-23.0082. Subgrant Closeout
 73C-24.003. Fee Schedule, Annual Invoicing, And Data Updating, And Updating Of The Special District
 73C-24.004. Updating Of The Special District Database
 73C-25.001. Definitions
 73C-25.004. Grantee Eligibility
 73C-25.005. Distribution Of Funds
 73C-25.006. Grantee Selection Process
 73C-25.007. Eligible Projects
 73C-25.008. Allowable Expenditures
 73C-25.009. Allowable Repairs
 73C-25.010. Match Requirements And Sources
 73C-25.011. Standards Of Work
 73C-25.012. Program Beneficiary Eligibility
 73C-25.013. Monitoring And Technical Assistance
 73C-25.014. Contracts And Amendments
 73C-26.022. Energy Assistance Benefits And Energy Payments
 73C-26.023. Client Eligibility And Appeals Process
 73C-26.024. Energy Payments
 73C-26.025. Hearings
 73C-40.001. Definitions
 73C-40.010. Forms
 73C-40.016. Binding Letters Of Interpretation
 73C-40.021. Preparation, Filing, And Review Of Applications For Development Approval
 73C-40.022. Filing The Application For Development Approval
 73C-40.024. Regional Report And Recommendations
 73C-40.025. Local Government Development Orders
 73C-40.028. Alternative Review Procedures
 73C-40.029. Downtown Development Of Regional Impact Alternative Review Procedure
 73C-40.0185. Preliminary Development Agreements
 73C-40.0251. Abandonment Of Development Orders
 73C-40.0256. Hurricane Preparedness Policy Rule; Special Hurricane Preparedness Districts
 73C-40.0257. Special Hurricane Preparedness Districts For Developments Of Regional Impact
 73C-41.019. Actions For Review Of Local Government Land Development Regulations
 73C-41.020. Action To Review Land Development Regulations
 73C-41.021. Action If Local Government Has Failed To Adopt The Required Land Development Regulations
 73C-42.005. Notices, Agenda, Conduct Of Proceedings
 73C-42.006. Application Forms
 73C-42.008. General Requirements
 73C-42.010. Preapplication And Application Procedures
 73C-42.011. Filing The Application For Development Designation
 73C-42.013. Designation Or Non-Designation Of Proposed Development By Reviewing Entities
 73C-42.020. Duties Of Review Board Staff
 73C-42.023. Florida Quality Development Orders
 73C-42.024. Substantial Change
 73C-43.001. Purpose And Definitions
 73C-43.002. Definitions
 73C-43.003. Application For Certification
 73C-43.004. Application Submission
 73C-43.005. Application Review
 73C-43.006. Identification Of Eligible Applicants
 73C-48.004. Supersession Of Original Regulations
 73C-48.005. Approval Of Amendments To The City Of Key West Land Develop0ment Regulations
 73C-48.024. Rejection Of Amendments To The City Of Key West Land Development Regulations
 73C-48.032. Rejection Of A Portion Of The City Of Key West'S Land Development Regulation (Ordinance No
 73C-49.001. Purpose And Effect
 73C-49.002. Schedule