9. Department of Community Affairs

 9K-1.001. Purpose
 9K-1.002. Definitions
 9K-1.003. Authority And Duties
 9K-1.004. Members, Officers And Employees
 9K-1.005. Meetings, Quorum And Voting Of The Trust
 9K-1.006. Notice Of Meeting
 9K-1.007. Communications Media Technology
 9K-1.008. Petition For Administrative Hearing; Waiver Of Right To Administrative Proceeding
 9K-1.009. Records; Public Information
 9K-1.010. Business Address And Hours
 9K-1.011. Seal
 9K-2.001. General Proceedings
 9K-2.002. Notice
 9K-2.003. Petitions To Initiate Rulemaking
 9K-2.004. Trust Action On Petitions To Initiate Rulemaking Proceedings
 9K-2.005. Rulemaking Materials
 9K-2.006. Rulemaking Proceedings Â?? Hearing
 9K-2.007. Emergency Rules
 9K-3.001. General
 9K-3.002. Purpose And Use Of Declaratory Statement
 9K-3.003. Petition
 9K-3.004. Disposition
 9K-4.001. Purpose
 9K-4.002. Definitions
 9K-4.003. General Requirements
 9K-4.004. Submission Of Application And Application Materials
 9K-4.005. Eligibility Standards For Matching Grants, Grants And Loans
 9K-4.006. Communications To The Governing Body
 9K-4.007. Determination Of Application Completeness
 9K-4.008. Project Evaluation Criteria
 9K-4.009. Partnership Applications Involving One Or More Local Governments
 9K-4.010. Conceptual Approval Of Applications By The Trust
 9K-4.011. Preparation And Acceptance Of Project Plans
 9K-4.012. Title, Acquisition Procedures, Lease Agreements And Transfer Of Title
 9K-4.013. Annual Reporting Requirement
 9K-4.0031. General Requirements And Eligibility Standards
 9K-4.0105. Modification To The Project Boundary
 9K-5.001. Purpose
 9K-5.002. Definitions
 9K-5.003. Area Of Critical State Concern Program
 9K-5.004. Communications To The Governing Body
 9K-5.005. Submission Of Materials
 9K-5.006. Proposal Materials
 9K-5.007. Review And Selection Of Proposals By The Trust
 9K-5.008. Preparation And Acceptance Of Management Plans
 9K-5.009. Grant Contract
 9K-5.010. Accounting Requirements
 9K-5.011. Retention Of Accounting Records
 9K-5.012. General Audit Procedures
 9K-5.013. Revisions To Grant Assisted Projects
 9K-5.014. Termination
 9K-5.015. Annual Stewardship Report
 9K-6.001. Purpose
 9K-6.002. Definitions
 9K-6.003. General Information
 9K-6.004. Election By Local Government Of Titleholder And Negotiating Entity; Statutes And Rules Governing Acquisitions; Title
 9K-6.005. Title Report And Evidence Of Marketable Title
 9K-6.006. Appraisal Map; Certified Survey
 9K-6.007. Appraisal Procedures, Appraisal Report Requirements And Determination Of Maximum Approved Purchase Price
 9K-6.008. Confidentiality Of Appraisals
 9K-6.009. Negotiation Of Offers And Counteroffers
 9K-6.010. Confidentiality Of Offers And Counteroffers
 9K-6.011. Purchase Agreements
 9K-6.012. Examination For Hazardous Materials Contamination
 9K-6.013. Trust Governing Body Action
 9K-6.014. Closing
 9K-7.001. Purpose
 9K-7.002. Definitions
 9K-7.003. General Requirements And Eligibility Standards
 9K-7.004. Submission Of Application And Application Materials
 9K-7.005. Communications To The Governing Board
 9K-7.006. Application Review
 9K-7.007. Project Evaluation Criteria
 9K-7.008. Ranking And Selection Of Applications
 9K-7.009. Project Approval
 9K-7.010. Modification To Expand The Project Boundary
 9K-7.011. Preparation And Acceptance Of The Management Plan
 9K-7.012. Title, Acquisition Procedures, Project Plans, Lease Agreements And Transfer Of Title
 9K-7.013. Annual Stewardship Report Requirement
 9K-7.014. Modification To Expand The Project Boundary
 9K-7.015. Consideration Of Recipient'S Request For Linear Facilities
 9K-7.016. Consideration Of Recipient'S Request For Land Exchanges
 9K-8.001. Purpose
 9K-8.002. Definitions
 9K-8.003. General Information
 9K-8.004. Election By Recipient Of Titleholder And Negotiating Entity; Rules Governing Acquisitions; Title
 9K-8.005. Title Report And Evidence Of Marketable Title
 9K-8.006. Certified Survey
 9K-8.007. Appraisal Procedures, Appraisal Report Requirements And Determination Of Maximum Approved Purchase Price
 9K-8.008. Confidentiality Of Appraisals, Other Reports Relating To Value, Offers And Counteroffers
 9K-8.009. Negotiation Of Offers And Counteroffers
 9K-8.010. Purchase Agreements
 9K-8.011. Preparation And Acceptance Of Project Plans
 9K-8.012. Examination For Hazardous Materials Contamination
 9K-8.013. Trust Governing Board Action
 9K-8.014. Closing
 9K-9.001. Purpose
 9K-9.002. Definitions
 9K-9.003. General Requirements And Eligibility Standards
 9K-9.004. Submission Of Application And Application Materials
 9K-9.005. Application Review
 9K-9.006. Project Evaluation Criteria
 9K-9.007. Ranking Of Applications
 9K-9.008. Grant Contracts
 9K-9.009. Modification Of Project Boundaries
 9K-9.010. Preparation And Acceptance Of The Management Plan
 9K-9.011. Title, Acquisition Procedures, Lease Agreements And Transfer Of Title
 9K-9.012. Annual Stewardship Report Requirement
 9K-10.001. Purpose
 9K-10.002. Definitions
 9K-10.003. General Information
 9K-10.004. Appraisal Procedures, Appraisal Report Requirements And Determination Of Maximum Approved Purchase Price
 9K-10.005. Confidentiality Of Appraisals, Other Reports Relating To Value, Offers And Counteroffers
 9K-10.006. Negotiation Of Offers And Counteroffers
 9K-10.007. Purchase Agreements
 9K-10.008. Title Report And Evidence Of Marketable Title
 9K-10.009. Certified Survey
 9K-10.010. Examination For Hazardous Materials Contamination
 9K-10.011. Closing